“Cooling Off Period” and Return to Normal Operations From an update posted on the BCPSEA website: We are receiving reports 
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The BCCPAC Spring Conference is coming up, May 25 to 27th: https://sd57dpac.ca/2012/03/bccpac-spring-conference-and-agm/ As per our policy on conference delegates: https://sd57dpac.ca/2011/12/revised-draft-policy-for-conference-delegates/ 
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2012 march 27 DPAC Letter on Bullying CKPG news report: http://www.ckpg.com/news/18571-sd57-reviews-bully-policy-video.html?tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page= March 27, 2012 Attention: School District 57 School Board 
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Our April meeting is Monday, April 2, at 7pm,at the Van Bien Training and Development Centre. https://sd57dpac.ca/2012/03/draft-meeting-minutes-march-2012/ For those logging 
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http://ckpg.com/news/18542-teachers-in-sd57-withdrawing-all-volunteer-and-extracurricular-activities-into-2013.html Prince George District Teachers Association President Matt Pearce says imposing Bill 22 has demoted teachers from employees to public 
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At last night’s board meeting, there was discussion as to how the transportation grant for 2012/13 has changed. More information 
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On behalf of the Ministry of Education, we’d like to thank you for your recent comments on the BC Education 
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http://www2.news.gov.bc.ca/news_releases_2009-2013/2012EDUC0031-000370.htm Dr. Charles Jago to mediate teacher contract talks  VICTORIA – In line with the provisions of Bill 22 – 
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Experiment #2 in posting updates from school board meetings. This is only one person’s notes from the board meeting, and 
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The agenda package is available online: http://www.sd57.bc.ca/fileadmin/cao.sd57.bc.ca/Trustees/Board_Meetings/Agendas/Next_agenda.pdf Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and are held in the boardroom at 2100 
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