Resources for PACs & Parents

Check the links below for list of resources to support PACs, Parents, Families and Caregivers in advocating for their children's education

School District 57 Information
Student Health & Safety Resources

erase = expect respect & a safe education

  • erase is all about building safe and caring school communities: This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students.
  • includes the Mental Health in Schools Strategy
  • includes links and information on the K-12 Anit-Racism Action Plan
  • their website includes Services and Information for  Online Safety, Cyberbullying, Bullying, Racism, School Safety, SOGI and more

RCMP Youth Safety

  • One of the RCMP’s strategic priorities is to reduce youth involvement in crime, both as victims and offenders.
  • links to Center for Youth Crime Prevention, National Youth Advisory Committee, and Child Sexual Exploitation

Healthy Schools BC

  • have a huge number of resources designed to support the health and wellness of school communities
  • resources connected to the BC curriculum that actively engage your students in learning to be healthy
  • Healthy Schools BC Action Guides share evidence-based practices and promising innovations that are showing results in creating healthy schools in BC
  • Healthy Living Performance Standards
  • Assessment Tools
  • Healthy Schools BC Learning Framework
  • Resource Guide for Teaching & Learning
  • Comprehensive School Health
Resources for Volunteers