BC Education Plan Updates

On behalf of the Ministry of Education, we’d like to thank you for your recent comments on the BC Education Plan Engage page. Your thoughts and ideas are helping us to better understand how the public feels about K-12 education in BC and what changes may be needed to make our system even better in the future.

In the coming weeks, we will continue to expand the conversation and we’ve just changed the questions to focus on enabling teacher led change, preparing new teachers for success and learning from inspiring teachers. Please come and take a look at the questions and share your thoughts and ideas with us.  Your continued input is very important to the engagement process.

We encourage you to share this invitation with your friends, colleagues, and personal networks as well. To get a realistic sense of how the public feels about BC K-12 education we need to hear from as many people, from as many places, and as many walks of life as possible. So, please share – we want to hear from everyone who has an interest or a stake in the BC K-12 education system.

See you on the discussion forum!

Sincerely yours,
The BC Education Plan Moderation Team

ON THE WEB: WWW.BCEDPLAN.CA <http://www.bcedplan.ca/>

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