District Parent Advisory Councils (DPAC) - Who are we?

Parent Voices for Students, Famlies & Education - Recognized & Proctected as per the BC School Act, Section 8.4, 8.5

What is DPAC and what is our role? Who are we and what do we do?

  • Comprised of elected parent representatives from PACs and serve as an umbrella organization for district PACs

  • Assist parents in forming a PAC in every school

  • Assist PACs, parents, caregivers & families in advocating for their children, obtaining information, and communicating with school and district staff & personnel

  • Help parents, caregivers and families navigate the school system locally and understand their rights

  • Advocate for parental involvement in the education system and the school and district levels

  • Support & encourage PACs and parents in accessing the school system at all levels by providing regular forums for the exchange of ideas and information to ensure that public education serves the best interests of all students

DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council)  the official representative body and voiceof parents/guardians of children in school district 57.

The BC School Act provides DPACs the power to advise the board of education any matter relating to education within the district including educational policy.

DPACs are required to have Bylaws which regulate how they operate.

Most importantly, DPAC are composed of, run and managed by parents – they are the collective voice of parents from across the schools in the local school district and represent parent voices at the local district level.