DON’T FORGET – Our monthly DPAC meeting is tonight Monday May 9th @6:30pm and it’s HYBRID!!! The theme is this month is Extracurricular Activities and Why Are They Important? That means if you need to get out of your house (even if it’s in your PJ’s, lounge clothes or your hubby’s comfiest jogging pants – we aren’t judging as we do it too) and want to connect in person we will be back in person at the Van Bien Training Center but we will also have a virtual option to join us via the comfort of your home and PJ’s via MS Teams at this link. Either way, we are just happy to have people join us and their voices heard, no matter what.
There are two great things happening this month – ELECTIONS for the executive positions on DPAC as well as discussion of our monthly theme Extracurricular Activities: Why Are They are Important? Lots of studies have been conducted on the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance, and they all show that students who participate in them have higher self-confidence, better social intelligence, higher team building and collaboration skills, higher grades, more positive attitudes toward school and higher academic aspirations. There are a couple of great articles to read including:
Top 8 Benefits of Extracurricular Activities for High School Students
BC Parent: After-School Activities Offer Worthwhile Benefits
The Benefits of Participating in Extracurricular Activities by Claudette Christison
May is also our AGM (annual general meeting = elections) month and all of the executive positions are open for election and/or re-election. There is more information on all the positions available and what their roles and responsibilities include at the bottom of this page.
DPAC play a critical role in representing parent voices at the district level in SD57. Did you know that School Act provides DPACs the power to advise the board of education respecting any matter relating to education within the district including educational policy? That’s a pretty awesome thing – to have the power of parent voices and input protected by law!
So what is the role of DPAC?? Well, basically in a nutshell:
▪ Comprised of elected parent representatives from PACs and serve as an umbrella organization for district PACs ▪ Assist parents in forming a PAC in every school ▪ Assist members in obtaining information and communicating with district personnel ▪ Help parents navigate the school system locally ▪ Advocate for parental involvement in the education system ▪ Support & encourage PACs and parents in accessing the school system at all levels by providing regular forums for the exchange of ideas and information to ensure that public education serves the best interests of all students
Chair – 1 position:
- speak on behalf of the council – essentially be the face and voice representing DPAC, PACs and parent voices from across SD57
- represent DPAC at the school district and board level
- ensure that the council is represented in school and district activities
- ensure that council activities are aimed at achieving the purposes set out in the constitution
Vice-Chair – 1 position
- support the role of the Chair, assisting the Chair in the performance of his or her duties including assuming the duties of the chair in the president’s absence or upon request
Secretary – 1 position
- ensure that members are notified of meetings
- record and file minutes of all meetings and who attended meetings
- keep an accurate copy of the constitution and bylaws, and make copies available to members upon request
- prepare and maintain other documentation as requested by the
- membership or executive
- issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the council
- ensure safekeeping of all records of the council
- DPAC—keep an accurate record of PAC representatives
Treasurer – 1 position
- ensure all funds of the council are properly accounted for disburse funds as authorized by the membership or executive
- ensure that proper financial records and books of account are maintained
- report on all receipts and disbursements at general and executive
- meetings
- make financial records and books of account available to members upon request
- have the financial records and books of account ready for inspection or audit annually
- with the assistance of the executive, draft an annual budget
- ensure that another signing officer has access to the financial records and books of account in the treasurer’s absence
- submit an annual financial statement at the annual general meeting
Directors at Large – 5 positions
- serve in a capacity to be determined by the council at the time of election, and at other times as the council requires
- represent DPAC and parent voices at various district Working Groups and Ad-Hoc committees throughout the year
- be strong advocates for meaningful parent involvement in the school and school planning