Insurance Update

Thank you to all the PAC’s for your patience while we have worked to resolve the issue of PAC’s being required to pay insurance for PAC hosted events at school facilities. DPAC executive met with representatives from the SD57 school board on Wednesday and have been informed that the source of the issue is the SD 57 insurance agreement which requires PAC’s to be adherent to all SD57 policies and procedures when hosting events in order to be covered under the districts insurance agreement. We are actively working with the SD57 administration and board to develop a checklist and form that PAC executives and school administration can complete and sign which will thereby provide documentation showing proof of compliance for risk management and insurance purposes.

In the meantime please do not cancel any events or suspend any planned activities. Please provide DPAC with copies of all insurance receipts for past, current and future events. More updates will be provided by the end of the week of May 13th. If you require any guidance or assistance in the meantime please email the DPAC at or contact us via our Facebook Page (Prince George District Parent Advisory Council) and we will get back to you within 24hrs.

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