Happy New Year!

We hope you are enjoying the break with family and friends over the holidays. Be sure to invest time in our students as they have new experiences, create new friendships, and learn new strategies this coming year.

Start the year off right and plan to attend our DPAC Meeting on Monday! It is the first day back at school on January 6 at 6:30pm at Van Bien Training Centre. It is important for parents to engage with the School District Staff and PAC Members working toward better education and school experiences for our children. The Honorable Shirley Bond and Mike Morris will attend as BC Liberal MLAs representing our region. It is important to understand the political direction our government is taking in regards to education and funding for families. Please come with your questions and encouragement for them as they advocate for us.

Feel free to contact DPAC Executive with any questions, suggestions, or concerns from your PAC. Email exec@sd57dpac.ca.

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