Gaming Info for Secondary PACs

All Dry Grad Gaming event applications and reporting should be done by the school PAC, as per BC Gaming rules.  The PAC Treasurer (or assigned Executive) is responsible for applying for licenses, submitting Summary Reports for all licenses issued and disbursing all funds raised.  This is to ensure that forms are filled out correctly and on time to make sure Gaming accounts remain in good standing.  Failing this, the future awarding of PAC Gaming Funds could be at risk.

Example: taken from BC Licensed Charitable Gaming: Rules (see link below):

At a minimum, the board of the licensee must perform the following duties: 

  • Be accountable for the proper conduct and management of all draws, tickets and prizes. 
  • May provide written authorization for a volunteer from the organization to provide oversight for prize draws valued at $1,000 or less. 
  • A board member must oversee all draws for prizes valued at $1,000 or more; and 
  • Ensure that ticket purchasers meet all requirements for location and age restrictions.

There are also specific requirements of PAC for different licenses as outlined on the BC Gaming website:

Here are the documents from the training DPAC provided last November.

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