Enrolment and Capacity Numbers and comparisons

This link goes to a Tableau Public page, which has a variety of graphs and tables showing enrolment, capacity, and projections comparisons.


The data is primarily from the Ministry of Education (including the data for 2015-2016, which is slightly different than the data reported at the November 24th school board meeting).

The capacity data comes from the Long Range Facilities plan, released in 2015, with an amendment for Foothills to correct it to 298 students.

Note that operating capacity is an attempt to indicate how many students can be educated in a school, and is based on the following:

  • Kindergarten 19 students per classroom
  • Elementary (Grades 1-3) 21 students per classroom
  • Elementary (Grades 4-7) 25 students per classroom
  • Middle & Secondary 25 students per classroom

A classroom can have a maximum of 22 kindergarten students, 24 grades 1 to 3 students, and 30 students per class in grades 4 and up.

A school with 10 classrooms would therefore range from a maximum capacity of 220 kindergarten students, to 300 grade 4 to 7 students – the true capacity of a school will therefore differ from the operating capacity.

The target as established by the Ministry of Education for districts of our size is 95% of the operating capacity.

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