November 2024 DPAC Meeting

We invite you to our DPAC Meeting on Monday November 4. We will be meeting in-person at Van Bien Training Centre or online on MS Teams at 6:30pm. District partners join at 7:30pm.

Our theme is Communicating Student Learning. We will delve into the report card vocabulary and timing of formal and informal reports, student-led conferences, and other ways to show student progress. Andrew Bond, Director-Instruction, Curriculum, and Innovation will present about the provincial changes last year. We will discuss with our district representatives about how students and parents are understanding and using the information to promote student success. Review the info from last November’s meeting here including a brochure for parents and caregivers: November DPAC Meeting & Communication of Student Learning – School District 57 DPAC

We will have representatives from the Office of the Superintendent, Board of Education, PG District Teachers Association, CUPE 3742 (inside workers), Principals and Vice-Principals Association, and Student Advisory Council to contribute to the discussion.

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 219 890 453 334 Passcode: 8g477e

There are many other DPAC updates including upcoming Bylaws Workshop (Nov 13), DPAC Food Programs Committee (Nov 15), and FoodSafe course (Nov 16). Join us at one, two, or all of these!

SD57 DPAC Executive Team

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