SD57 DPAC Bylaws Workshop

When was the last time your PAC updated your Constitution and Bylaws? Are they lost? Could you be operating without the necessary guidelines? Protect your PAC, gaming grant, and parent community by adopting robust Constitution and Bylaws, a Code of Conduct, and maybe even Policies and Procedures.

The SD57 District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC), as part of our mandate to support Parent Advisory Councils (PACs), has developed a Bylaws Workshop. This is a Working Group to understand the importance of your Constitution & Bylaws, review the sections that should be included, answer areas of concern, and support your PAC with amending and adopting them.

Feel free to bring as many people from your PAC as you’d like, even if they are not current Executive members. Bring a printed copy of your Constitution and Bylaws.

Date: Wed. Nov 13 at 6:30pm
Where: Van Bien Training Centre and MS Teams

Register by completing this Google Form that is linked to

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