Don’t forget our monthly DPAC meeting is tonight!!

Monday November 6 at 6:30pm at Van Bien Training Centre or join via MS Teams.
Microsoft Teams meeting: Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 296 351 420 993
Passcode: MutJtA
Our District Partners will join the meeting @ 7:30pm.
We will have a presentation from Andrew Bond, Director-Instruction, Curriculum, and Innovation about Communicating Student Learning (CSL).
The Ministry Communicating Student Learning document further down below – please have a look at it and come with your questions.
Please also note that our PAC Cafe has been postponed to January. Anyone who registered can get a refund or transfer their fee to the new date.
Secondary PAC and Grad Committee Treasurers – Thursday November 30th DPAC is hosting an online Gaming Workshop with Gillian Burnett that you don’t want to miss! Block the date!!
Email us at for more information or to express interest!
In case you missed it, our current survery on Parent Perspectices is out and we want to hear from you – SD57 DPAC Parent Perspectives Request Survey (
November 2023 DPAC Agenda:
When you were in school, were you asked to memorize information and repeat it on a test, only to
Communicating Student Learning – Information for Parents & Caregivers
forget it soon after? We now know learning is not just memorizing it’s being able to use what we know and apply it in real world settings. Universities, colleges, and employers today care more about how students think than how many facts they can repeat.
The learning students do today is more complex than ever. British Columbia redesigned the provincial curriculum to respond to the needs of today’s learners. The curriculum continues to give your child a strong foundation in reading, writing, and math. But it also teaches your child how to think, communicate, solve problems, and use their knowledge in ways that both matter in school and will matter in a rapidly changing future.
The new curriculum has been in place in all grades since 2019, but report cards and the way student
learning is communicated haven’t really changed for decades. Report cards are now changing to align with the curriculum and to help ensure that every student in the province is set up for success in their learning. You may remember getting a letter grade or percentage at the end of a chapter in your textbook or after a test, signalling to you that learning had come to an end. Today we know that learning doesn’t stop once students hand in an assignment or complete a test.
We also know that:
– student learning can be communicated in ways other than letter grades
– teacher feedback on student learning can help students continue to learn
– students are more engaged when they have a say in how they show their learning
That’s why students will receive marks on four point proficiency scale from Kindergarten to Grade 9.
(Students in Grades 10 12 will still receive a letter grade and percentage to support their entry into post secondary education.) And reporting for all students will now include self reflection and goal setting. These changes mean that report cards might not look the same as when you were in school. But the information you will now receive will provide a complete picture of what your child can do, where they need to improve, and how you can support their learning. Reporting in this way will ensure that students focus on learning instead of competing for marks.
Read on for more information about the changes that are being made to report cards.
Meeting Minutes from October 2023:
[…] Our theme is Communicating Student Learning. We will delve into the report card vocabulary and timing of formal and informal reports, student-led conferences, and other ways to show student progress. Andrew Bond, Director-Instruction, Curriculum, and Innovation will present about the provincial changes last year. We will discuss with our district representatives about how students and parents are understanding and using the information to promote student success. Review the info from last November’s meeting here including a brochure for parents and caregivers: November DPAC Meeting & Communication of Student Learning – School District 57 DPAC […]