Don’t forget that our monthly DPAC meeting is tonight Monday February 7th @ 6:30pm so join us via the comfort of your home and PJ’s via MS Teams at this link.
For obvious safety reasons and the current state of the Covid pandemic there will be no in person meeting this month, instead our January meeting will be held virtually only. Our theme this month is Catchment & Capacity and we are discussing:
- what are the capacity questions, concerns and experiences you have had as a parent at the school(s) your family attends?
- what questions do you have around how catchment is determined in SD57?
- what do you see as the short term as well long term challenges with capacity facing our district?
- what are some potential solutions or opportunities you see for our district? What have you seen or heard from other districts that you think may be helpful for our district?
If you are attending virtually and are new to using MS Teams, we suggest downloading the app and creating a free Microsoft account. Alternately you can click on the meeting link and attend the meeting via the your browser of choice as a guest either on a computer or mobile device. When you join the DPAC meeting MS Teams will ask for your name – please fill in your full name and school or organization you are representing.
Oh! Did you know our City of PG website has maps?? Lots and lots of cool maps, including the ability to see the catchment details for all elementary and secondary schools?? (psst… click on the link above, scroll down to PGMap and check out the screenshots below on how to see and do this):
So come, bring a friend, a cup of something warm and yummy to drink (we won’t check what you put in it – honest) and join us for a round table discussion on what the challenges and opportunities for providing education are in our growing city and community. As usual, all our partner groups will be attending including our new Superintendent Cindy Heitman (yay!), Joanne Hapke representing PG Teachers Association, representative for the PG Principals and Vice-Principals Association, CUPE representation, a member of our Board of Trustees and others.