Proposed School Calendars for 2013-14 and 2014-15

2013-2014 Calendar, draft

2014-2015 Calendar, draft

The school district held a calendar committee meeting at the end of December, and a representative from DPAC participated.

There are draft calendars now out for comment – these two calendars are made from the standard SD57 calendar, which would have a start date just after labour day, two week Christmas vacation, two week spring break and end just before the end of June.

Apparently, 73% of the students in BC have a two week spring break, and since it works with CUPE and the teacher’s association, we would change to having a two week spring break as standard.

The spring break in 2015 is in February is due to the Winter Games in Prince George. .

There is no plans for the establishment of an alternative calendar (ie: full year; 3 months in  school, 1 month off; 5 weeks on, 1 week off, 4 day weeks, etc.) at this time. No one at the meeting really was looking to make a major change to the basic calendar, but there is definitely room to discuss minor changes in the future.

How do we proceed now to get parents input? Individual parents or PAC’s can leave comments with DPAC, or with Wendy De Marsh at the school district, up until Jan. 23, 2013. There will be another calendar committee meeting on the 24th, and they hope to accept this calendar at the February School Board Meeting (originally posted as January school board meeting, incorrect information clarified).

The assistant superintendent will meet with the PGDTA to determine the dates of the non-instructional days for the calendars.


  • THis two week break does not work for families that have two working parents. Especially if those working parents have their busiest times in March and April. The students do not seem to get enough learning time as it is. I am against the two week break in the spring.

  • Let’s put a stop to the idea of having a “spring?” break in February 2015, especially the absured idea of taking two weeks during the winter games.  Who thought of this idea, it does not do anything for the kids or parents, and we then will not get a break in March.  All the sports facilities will be busy during the winter games, kids and parents won’t be able to do anything except be politely encouraged to buy tickets to the events and sit and watch without being active.

  • Regarding 2014 March Break.  If we must have a break in March, I prefer one week in March (24 to 28), this gives 9 days in a row for people who travel, and shortens the time off for those staying in PG.  Add the remaining days to Easter, April 21 – 25, which is at least almost spring like in PG, and will allow families time to travel to visit relatives over Easter.  Spring break in March for those that have to stay in PG is not usually a very good time to have a break – it’s still very much winter and difficult to do things.

    • If a two week break needs to happen, I like this idea, also helps to even things out in the work place where there are several parents trying to take the time off to be home with the kids, can give some one week and others the next week.

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