Imagine Grants

IMAGINE Community Grants: Health Happens in Community!

Parent Advisory Councils have received funding from IMAGINE Community Grants before.
The next cycle of IMAGINE Community Grants will be launched on September 19, 2016.

Projects must support community-based initiatives that focus on one or more of the following chronic disease prevention or health promotion priorities:

  • Healthy Eating and Food Security
  • Physical Activity/ Active Living
  • Injury Prevention
  • Tobacco-Free Communities
  • Positive Mental Health
  • Prevention of Substance Harms
  • Healthy Early Childhood Development
  • Healthy Aging

Preference will be given to projects that:

  • Support partnerships and build relationships – will encourage different groups to work together, connecting people to each other and their community
  • Identify a community need – will address something that is missing that could benefit the community and its residents to improve health and well-being
  • Promote healthy outcomes – will include activities that reduce the risks and impacts of chronic disease and injury through education, awareness and collective action
  • Reduce health inequities – will help those who are disadvantaged or vulnerable to improve their access to supports and resources for better health
  • Build capacity – will develop and strengthen skills and resources within the community
  • Last – will have a good chance of living on after the funding ends


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