Welcome back to a new school year!
DPAC will be holding its first general meeting of the year at the Van Bien Training Centre on Monday, September 12th, at 7pm. Representatives elected by each school PAC have a vote; we welcome other parents to attend.
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Agenda – DPAC General Meeting
Monday, September 12th, 2016, 7:00 p.m., Van Bien Training Centre
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of agenda and Adoption of Minutes
3. PAC Networking and discussion (To increase the effectiveness of this section of the agenda, we suggest that people report on ideas that may be of interest to other PACs, or concerns that other PACs could help with.)
7:30pm – Partner groups enter
4. Partner Group Presentations (five minutes each – questions may be taken about general topics, detailed and specific questions are best kept to the break)
a) District Student Advisory Council (Josh Nycholat )
b) CUPE Report (Karen Wong)
c) Prince George District Teachers Association Report (Richard Giroday)
d) Prince George Principal and Vice Principals Association Report (Dan Watt)
e) Superintendent Report ( Sharon Cairns )
f) Trustee Report (Brenda Hooker)
(5 – 10 minute snack break, opportunity for further partner group discussions)
5. Officer and Committee Reports
a) Executive Board Report (Gillian Burnett & Sarah Holland)
b) Treasurer’s Report (Sarah Holland & Gillian Burnett)
c) BCCPAC Report
6. PAC and Parent Assistance
a) Grant requests
b) FoodSafe scheduling – 2016/17 year?
c) PAC Café – January 28th, February 4th or 25th?
d) Conference – November 5, 2016?
7. Advising School District
a) Education Services Committee Report (Steve Shannon)
b) Education Programs and Planning Committee Report ( Mike Gagel)
c) Policy and Governance (Sarah Holland)
d) Facilities planning
e) Strategic Plan
f) Suggestions for School Board Report
8. Election – Director positions
9. Other Business
a) Buddy Benches – possible presentation by Myrna Lemke in September
b) Education Sustainability – possible presentation by Jody Holmes in October
c) Curriculum changes
10. Agenda items for next meeting
11. Adjournment – Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 3, at 7:00 pm, Van Bien.
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