Springwood Transfer process – priority is in date and time order?

According to the SD57 website, the transfer process for Springwood Elementary takes place from April 10th to April 21st, starting online at 9am.

Letter from Superintendent  (SD57, letter stored on DPAC website)


Their website refers to a map attached, but there is no link attached. We can link you to the map supplied with the motion, but they’re not very good maps (click to enlarge):

The SD57 website states that “2017 – 2018 Kindergarten to Grade 6 regular program students residing within the new Springwood catchment (see map attached) will automatically be registered in Springwood Elementary. Students wishing to remain at their existing school are required to apply through this process.”

Note: it is unclear if students living in the new Springwood catchment, attending schools other than Heather Park and Glenview, would be automatically registered at Springwood. There has been different information provided to some parents.

It also states that “A time and date is automatically assigned to each application received. Applications will be considered in order of receipt. Staff at district schools are available to assist you with the online system during the application process.”

Bolding is our emphasis. Again, this procedure starts on Monday morning at 9am.

School District policy 5119 governs registrations, catchment, and transfers:

This policy states that transfer requests are handled in the following manner for transfers:

2.3.1 A sibling of a school district child who, in the previous year, attended the school in question and who will be attending the school in the following year.
2.3.2 A school district child.
2.3.3 A non-school district child.
2.3.4 If there are more students in a priority category than can be accommodated in any program, priority will be established based on the date and time of application.

If the district is following this policy for Springwood, this would mean that if you live in the new Springwood catchment, and your child was previously attending Glenview or Heather Park, and you wish to transfer your K to 6 child back to that school, the following categories would apply:

  • if you have a child going into grade 7, who is remaining at Glenview or Heather Park – priority within this list will be done by date and time order (first priority is those who register online first)
  • If there are any spaces left after that, then other children will be looked at, priority within this list by date and time order

It is unclear if this is actually going to be the procedure. Typically, parents would be informed of the process BEFORE the transfer procedure opens.

As per the Superintendent’s letter:

“The District Office is equipped to answer telephone, 250-561-6800 and email openspringwood@sd57.bc.ca questions and school communities will be supported to plan appropriately for September 2017.”

As per Opinion 250 news:

“Parents affected by the reopening of Springwood Elementary School should circle Tuesday April 18 on their calendars. That’s the night, starting at 7 p.m, the Prince George School District will hold a community information night at Kelly Road Secondary School in the multi-purpose room to discuss the matter and answer questions from concerned parents.”

Catchment maps have yet to be updated on website:





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