K-12 Schools are in Stage 2

The Public Health Office and Ministry of Education announced today that all K-12 Schools in BC are now in Stage 2 which has been changed to mean all students attend full-time (all day, Mon-Fri) and will be assigned to Learning Groups. Limits on these groups or cohorts are 60 for Elementary and Middle Schools, and 120 for Secondary Schools.

Please take some time to read the Ministry of Education website here.
1. There is a section where you can better understand Stage 2.
2. A section that explains Learning Groups.
3. A section with timelines for specific plans from the Districts. This includes Distance Learning registration for those who need it.
4. An important section about Health & Safety Guidelines from the BC Centre for Disease Control.
There is even a virtual assistant where you can ask questions.

This document provides health guidance for schools including Control Measures and Personal Protocols that can be taken.

The BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) has a LOUD voice on the Steering Committee of various partner groups. They are doing a great job at translating this information for parents. Check out their website here including today’s Facebook post here.

We all know there are still many questions to be answered and concerns that will be expressed. DPAC Executives are available via email at exec@sd57dpac.ca if you need support. We encourage you to read and evaluate the education and health information and advice, talk to your children, and make plans for September.

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