BCCPAC Proxy Vote Forms

On Saturday May 1, 2021, the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) is holding their Annual General Meeting. The AGM is on Zoom from 8:30am to 3:30pm. All Members in good standing are encouraged to attend and vote (speak if you wish).

It is very important that each PAC registers by April 19 with a signed Proxy Vote Form ready to upload. Because the AGM is virtual, ALL PACs must have 1 delegate authorized to speak and vote. Complete page 2 of the form below.

A strong voice for the North! Here are the SD57 Members (21):

SD#School Name2019-2020
Eligble to
Vote at AGM
57Blackburn ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Buckhorn ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57College Heights ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Duchess Park SecondaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Edgewood Elementary SD57ACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Glenview ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Hart Highlands ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Heather Park ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Heritage ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Kelly Road/Shas ti SecondaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Malaspina ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Morfee ElementaryACTIVENO
57Nukko Lake ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Peden Hill ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Pineview ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Polaris Montessori ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Prince George SecondaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Quinson ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Southridge ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Spruceland TraditionalACTIVEACTIVENO
57Valemount ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
57Van Bien ElementaryACTIVENO
57Vanway ElementaryACTIVEACTIVEYES
If you have not paid your membership dues by Dec 31, 2020 you are not eligible to VOTE, but can still attend the AGM.

DPAC will reimburse the $75 annual membership fee for all PACs who register and attend the AGM. Please confirm your registration and representative by emailing exec@sd57dpac.ca.

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