BCCPAC Deadlines for Awards, Resolutions, and Elections

Important information about nominations, resolutions and awards deadlines for the 2014 year.

Nominations to the Board: Deadline to submit nominations is February 28th
Nominations for the BCCPAC board of Directors are being accepted until February 28, 2014, for the following five positions:
2nd Vice President
Director 3
Director 4
Elections will take place at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May 2014.  For more information please contact the BCCPAC office at info@bccpac.bc.ca or click here.
Member Resolutions for the 2014 AGM:
We encourage member PACs and DPACs to submit proposed resolution(s) for presentation at the BCCPAC Annual General Meeting (AGM).  Resolutions represent the views of our membership, and help to provide direction of our organization.  For more information about special and ordinary resolutions and for a list of all BCCPAC member resolutions click here.
Special Resolutions:
Advocates for change to BCCPAC’s Constitution and/or Bylaws, calls for the removal of a director, or gives authorization to the BCCPAC Board to borrow money.
Deadline to submit a special resolution: January 31 (until 11:59 pm)
Ordinary Resolutions:
A resolution that advocates change to BC’s public education system or gives direction to the BCCPAC Board of Directors.  These can be submitted anytime, including from the floor.  However we recommend these are submitted prior to the AGM so they can be widely circulated to the membership for comment.
Deadline for ordinary resolutions to be included in the AGM Resolution Booklet and Agenda:  January 31 (until 11:59 pm).  After this date submitted resolutions may not make it into the resolution booklet mailed to our members and possibly delay their being heard until the 2015 AGM.
For more information about resolutions and to check the status of existing BCCPAC member resolutions click here.
BCCPAC Educational Award Application: Deadline to submit is February 28th 
This award honours a well-rounded student in grade 12, attending a BCCPAC member school, who plans to pursue post-secondary studies.
More information about the BCCPAC student educational award can be found here.
Bev Hosker Motivational Award: Deadline to submit is February 28th 
The Bev Hosker Motivational Award will honour a parent or guardian who is a member of a BCCPAC member parent advisory council (PAC) or district parent advisory council (DPAC) and new or newly involved parent taking on a leadership role in their PAC or DPAC.
More information about the Bev Hosker Motivational Award can be found here.
George Matthews Award: Deadline to submit is February 28th
The George Matthews Award honours a parent or guardian who has been an exemplary leader, not only in the education of his or her own children, but also in leading others to have a significant impact on the ability of parents to exercise leadership in public education.
More information about the George Matthews Award can be found here.

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