Agenda for January 12, 2015 DPAC General Meeting

Agenda – DPAC General Meeting

Monday, January 12, 2015, 7:00 p.m., Van Bien Training Centre


Attend by webconference


1.       Call to order, Secretary

2.       Adoption of agenda and Adoption of Minutes

3.       PAC Networking and discussion

To increase the effectiveness of this section of the agenda, we suggest that people report on ideas that may be of interest to other PACs, or concerns that other PACs could help with.

7:30pm – Partner groups enter

4.       Partner Group Presentations (five minutes each)

  1. DSAC Report (Robin Keahey, Hayley Jakubowski)
  2. CUPE Report (Karen Wong)
  3. Prince George District Teachers Association Report (Tina Cousins, Richard Giroday)
  4. Prince George Principal and Vice Principals Association Report (Dan Watt)
  5. Professional Employees Association (Nicole Haines)
  6. Superintendent Report (Brian Pepper)
  7. Trustee Report

 (5 – 10 minute snack break, opportunity for further partner group discussions)

5.       Reports from BCCPAC Conference (2 minutes each, plus written reports)

6.       Officer and Committee Reports

  1. Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland)
  2. Treasurer’s Report (Chris Finke)
  3. BCCPAC Report (Darlene Campbell)

7.       PAC and Parent Assistance

  1. Grant requests
  2. PAC Cafe planning – January 24th. Location and topics.
  3. FoodSafe – January 31st, at Van Bien
  4. Conference or speaker- tentative dates for conference Saturday, April 18th

8.       Advising School District

  1. Education Services Committee Report (Steve)
  2. Education Programs and Planning Committee Report (Chris, Darlene)
  3. Policy and Governance (Sarah, Dennis)
  4. Ad hoc Technology Committee (Steve)
  5. Calendar Committee
  6. Suggestions for School Board Report
  7. Revisions to policy on Respectful Workplaces & Harassment (WORK ON!!)


9.       Other Business

  1. Planning for prospective meeting with new school board
  2. Resolutions for upcoming BCCPAC AGM, May 1 to 3, 2015

10.   Agenda items for next meeting

11.   Adjournment – Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 2nd,  at 7:00 pm,  Van Bien.

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