School Trustee Election – Official Results

Congratulations to all the successful candidates in yesterday’s election! And to those who were not successful in their quest… destiny has other great things planned for you! By merely stepping forward all of you provoked thought, dialogue and focus on what is important to our communities. Thank you for putting yourselves out there.


Surname Given Name Votes
WARRINGTON Sharel 6,293
BELLA Trish 5,942
BOURASSA Sharon 5,379
BEKKERING Betty 5,145
HOOKER Brenda 4,902
BENNETT Tim 4,692
COOKE Kate 3,964
SABO Don 3,841
WHITE Rhonda 3,806
CRAWFORD Valentine 3,758
BURTON Andrew 3,551
ARNETT Elona 3,171
PETERS Shawn 3,044
GILL Bal 1,854
BENSON Kris 1,848

Note: the original final results showed Brenda Hooker with 4,802 votes. In error, on an advance poll from the city the school district inadvertently entered her number as “59” rather than “159”.

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