Minutes from DPAC Meeting – April 7, 2014

DPAC meeting minutes April 7, 2014

DPAC MINUTES FOR April 7, 2014
7:00 p.m. Van Bien Training and Development Centre

DPAC Executive: Sarah Holland (Chair), Chris Finke (Vice Chair); Gillian Burnett (Treasurer), Steve Shannon (Technical Director), Darlene Campbell (District Associate), and Inge Culhane (Secretary)
Partner Groups: Brian Pepper, Superintendent; Betty Bekkering, Trustee; Tina Cousins, PGDTA; Lori Dennill, PGPVPA; Behavioral Specialists, PEA;
School Reps: Chris Finke, DP Todd; Inge Culhane, Edgewood; Sarah Holland, Heather Park; Steve and Kim Shannon, Kelly Road; Lotte Andersen, Nukko Lake; Darlene Campbell, Nusdeh Yoh, Duchess; Michelle Rolfes, PGSS; Ryan Clarke, Quinson; Fiona Kitt, Glenview; Dennis Fudge, Spruceland; Shauna Connor, Ecole Lac des Bois; Jennifer Hicke, Southridge; Amy Hudson, Pineview;

Absentee School Reps: Hart Highlands; Beaverly; Blackburn; Buckhorn; College Heights; College Heights Secondary; Foothills; Giscome; Harwin; Heritage; Highglen; Hixon; Mackenzie Secondary; Malaspina; McBride Centennial; McBride Secondary; Morfee; Peden Hill; Pinewood; Ron Brent; Valemount Elementary; Valemount Secondary; Van Bien; Vanway; Westwood;

1. Call to order

2. Adoption of Agenda and March 3, 2014 Minutes-

Adopted by unanimous consent.

3. PAC Networking – Introductions
• Heather Park- Missoula children’s theatre this week. New Principal this week. Raffle finished for hockey tickets. Approx $15,000-$17,000 raised.
• Nusdeh Yoh- April 17th Easter event / costume Easter Bunny. May 24th parking lot sale, June 20th outdoor movie night perhaps carnival with it. Funding has been cut – lost hot meals prgm/cold breakfast still being served.
• DP Todd- School enrollment 680 students down from last yr and down from the year before. Worried about losing more students to hockey prgm at PGSS.
• Pineview- book sale raised $130. Missoula Children’s theatre coming.
• Nukko Lake – PAC mtg coming up Friday. A list of what the children can do on the playground. Aboriginal worker showing the students about how spring is coming.
• Spruceland – One teacher received money from PAC to fund a bike for a student who may not be able to afford one.

4. Partner Group Presentations
(a) DSAC Report- (Graeme MacKenzie (KRSS) and Shelby Miller (DPSS)) – Not in attendance.
(b) CUPE Report – (Karen Wong) – Regrets. Not in attendance. Report will be posted on DPAC website.
(c) PGDTA Report – (Tina Cousins) – Common message. Currently at bargaining table. Not going well. Will inform DPAC and Mr. Pepper of job actions if necessary. No new changes. Hopeful that negotiations will go well. Committee mtgs – concerned about the Pro-D day funding position being cut- no money for that position.
(d) PGPVPA Report – (Lori Dennill) April – Professional development of Principals and Vice Principals. Standards. August get together with admin., Leadership standards, Admin can go to one another’s schools to see how other admin do their job, coach approach – teach people to solve their own problems, discussion at association mtgs, discussions at monthly meetings. Report wil be posted on DPAC website.
(e) PEA Report – Behavioral specialists, Mental Health clinicians. Elementary for the most part. Little in the High schools. Self- regulation in classrooms, district training, behavior intervention, FRIENDS training, External committees, teaching strategies to students through behavior contracts , social skills and friendship skills groups, transition for Kindergarten and High school students, Risk assessments (harm to self or others), deal with students that have experienced tragedy in their lives during the school year, social emotional camp prior to school . Referrals. District does a great job of collaborating.
(f) Superintendent Report – (Brian Pepper)- Spoke to his report. LGBTQ – issues seem to be showing up in younger students, and is almost common place now. Information letter to Parents (Strike), School District Budget, Staff Retirement and Relocation, Superintendent’s report on achievement, District Budget and District Achievement Contract.
(g) Trustee Report – (Betty Bekkering)- Spoke to her report. Attended a mtg with PEA. Student Voice Day Conference at Kelly Road. Jesse Miller was guest speaker. RCMP youth academy graduation. Conference calls with two other school districts in the Province.

5. Officer and Committee Reports
a) Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland) – Nothing to report. Have not been any meetings over Spring Break.
b) Treasurers Report (Gillian Burnett) – Spoke to her report.
c) BCCPAC Report- Darlene Campbell – Nominations book and Resolutions book should be in PAC mailboxes if your PAC is a BCCPAC member. Minister Fassbender will be at the conference. 2 new resolutions have come out. ACTION: Darlene will email them for resolutions workshop. Get your school’s proxies signed so that your PAC’s can receive half of their BCCPAC membership fees reimbursed.
d) Selection- Delegate Selection Committee for BCCPAC Conference May 29 to June 1, 2014. Deadline – email before April 15th. Gillian and Donna interested. ACTION: Sarah will send out an email with the deadline to see if any others are interested.
e) Report of Nominating Committee for AGM- ACTION: Sarah will post the nominees on the website and see if there is anyone else interested in running for an executive position on DPAC.

6. PAC and Parent Assistance
a) Grant requests – Giscome request: Attached in agenda pkg. MOTION: Steve Shannon. 2nd Amy Hudson. For DPAC to provide to Giscome $100 for Social Netiquette course for anti-bullying. Discussion. Amendment.
MOTION (amended): Chris Finke. For DPAC to provide to Giscome $100 for Social Netiquette course for Anti- bullying and encourage parent participation in the course. MOTION CARRIED.
No MOTION to provide $300 funding to Giscome from Grant request. Discussion regarding feedback on the DPAC Grant application/clarification and setting a precedent. Grants meant to directly involve a benefit to parents, as this is DPAC’s mandate.
b) PAC Cafe – April 12, 2014, 11am-2pm at Coast Inn of the North. Registration on website.
c) Fall Conference Committee meeting- Scheduled for October 18, 2014, Civic Center. Next mtg at Dennis Fudge’s home on May 14, 2014 at 7pm.

7. Advising School District
a) Expanded Committee of the Whole ( Gillian Burnett & Sarah Holland)- Handout in agenda pkg. Allocation of District Revenue and Enrollment, and Operating Grants.
b) Education Services report (Steve Shannon ) – Spoke to his report. Posted on DPAC website.
c) Education Programs and Planning Committee Report (Darlene Campbell) – Nothing to report.
d) Policy and Governance report (Sarah Holland) – No discussion about 5119 last mtg. Will discuss in future mtg
e) Calender Committee(Darlene Campbell, Gillian Burnett)- 2014/2015 Calender in agenda pkg.
f) Suggestions for School Board Report (Sarah Holland) – please email Sarah with ideas.
8. Other Business
a) BCCPAC Resolutions Workshop- April 27, 2014 from 11am-2pm Van Bien Training Center. Lunch provided. Bring proxies that day to the workshop. ACTION: Sarah will email that message out to Principals.
b) ACTION: Sarah will email out the BCCPAC link regarding Collaborating/Advocating for your child (IEP Guide for Parents)
c) New LGBTQ worker for the District – may wish to come to present at a DPAC mtg. Discuss at next DPAC mtg.
9. Agenda items for next meeting… please email Sarah with items.
Meeting adjourned at 9:36PM.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 5, 2014 at 7:00pm Van Bien training and Development Center.

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