7:00 p.m. Van Bien Training and Development Centre
DPAC Executive: Sarah Holland (Chair), Chris Finke (Vice Chair), Gillian Burnett (Treasurer), Darlene Campbell (District Associate) , Jacqueline Dockray (Director) and Steve Shannon (Director)
Partner Groups: Brian Pepper, Superintendent; Kate Cooke, Trustee; Matt Pearce and Tina Cousins, PGDTA; Lorraine Prouse, CUPE; Faith MacKay, PGPVPA; Nicole Haines PEA;
School Reps: Jacqueline Dockray, College Heights Elementary; Chris Finke, DP Todd; Darlene Campbell, Duchess Park; Inge Culhane, Edgewood; Kim Shannon, Hart Highlands; Sarah Holland, Heather Park; Karen Masich, Heritage; Steve Shannon, Kelly Road; Lotte Andersen, Nukko Lake; Darlene Campbell, Nusdeh Yoh; Michelle Rolfes, Pineview; Shannon Baird, PGSS; Ryan Clarke, Quinson; Dennis Fudge, Spruceland
1. Adoption of Agenda
Unanimous consent
2. Adoption of Dec 3, 2013 Minutes
Unanimous consent
3. PAC Networking
- Various schools held Christmas concerts, Christmas dances or flings as referred to by some schools. Also Santa breakfasts, food collection for various agencies, cake auctions. School reporting some good fundraiser in the ways of food and monies. Attendee’s awaiting first PAC meetings of 2013.
4. Reports
(a) DSAC Report – not in attendance
(b) CUPE Report – Lorraine spoke to the Capital Gain mandate. Written report given, see attached.
(c) PGDTA Report – verbal report, – spoke about this round of provincial bargaining, Four main consideration need to be represented for this round, they are: I) that a facilitator must be present at the table, (Irene Holden’s name has been floated around), I) costing data needed, I) new split of issues, ratification vote will be needed, I) bargaining will begin next month.
(d) PGPVPA Report – see attached
(e) PEA Report Nicole Haines – Verbal report – their first meeting of DPAC, She explained their roles with our children in schools. (33 members belong to this association) [email after meeting corrected to 36 members]
(f) Superintendent Report – see attached. Brian spoke to the report.
(g) Trustee Report – see attached. Kate spoke to her report.
5. Committee Reports
a) Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland) – attached in package
b) Treasurers Report (Gillian Burnett)
6. PAC and Parent Assistance
a) Budget Committee (Gillian Burnett)
– Spoke to the report,
Gillian motioned, Seconded by Jacqueline
MOTION: That DPAC put the application for grants for the 2012-2013 school year on the website.
Discussed – that the wording needs to be looked at., add the date on application forms, maybe add the word “or” to help clarify what a PAC can apply for, Family of schools grant should be more than a speaker grant, state that general membership make decisions on grants and that the maximum amount of money we have to spend be also put on the applications.
b) PAC Cafe Committee.
Coast Inn of the North is confirmed for the PAC Cafe February 16 2013, 11-2 pm. Invite to Brian Pepper and Kate Cooke to go out. Event Brite registration site will up shortly.
c) Food Safe
Everything is looking good, we have 2-3 seats remaining.
d) PAC planner
no meeting as of yet.
e) BCCPAC AGM – Dates are May 3-5, watch DPAC website for process on attendance.
7. Advising School District
a) Education Services report (Steve Shannon) – no meeting yet
b) EPPC Committee Report (Darlene Campbell) – no meeting yet
c) Policy and Governance report (Sarah Holland) – no meeting yet
– questions to be asked at the upcoming meeting, regarding capacity, and caps, transfer caps, policy’s in particular policy 5119
d) Calendar committee report (Darlene Campbell & Maureen)
– lots of discussion, lots of notes to take to next Calendar meeting, important point was that DPAC general membership felt that there was no public consultation and this point is extremely important to get across to the School District. As well concerned raised about childcare for the working poor and if this purposed calendar will significantly affect the instructional hours.
e) Suggestions for Board Meeting (Sarah Holland)
– To bring information to the board about the importance of public consultation
8. Other Business … none
9. Agenda items for next meeting… none at this time
Meeting adjourned 9.08 pm.
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