Thanks to Inclusion BC’s advocacy efforts and those of families across the province, the Ministry of Children and Family Development will be providing additional Supported Child Development funding to cover in-school hours for families with special needs children currently accessing services.
What does this mean?
Any family who receives services under the current program are eligible to receive additional funding to SCD/ASCD service providers in the event of school closures due to the ongoing labour dispute. Supplemental services will be offered to families of school age children with special needs currently receiving SCD/ASCD services upon request.
Just like regular SCD/ASCD services, the supplemental SCD/ASCD services are intended to ensure inclusion of children and youth with special needs in child care environments. This initiative will provide additional supports that families of children with special needs may require due to the lack of school programs for their children. These supplemental SCD/ASCD services are in addition to the $40 per day Temporary Education Support for Parents recently announced by the Ministry of Finance.
We want to thank the BC government and the Honourable Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Children and Family Development, for listening to the voices of Inclusion BC, the families and our member agencies across the province.
We spoke, you listened and you acted.
For more information, visit
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