Welcome Back, from DPAC

We are excited to get back to business, continuing to support PACs and families in School District 57. A big thank you to our District Leaders and Administrators, Principals and Vice-Principals, Teachers, and Support Staff for all they do to ensure a smooth start up and continued success throughout the school year.

DPAC Executive Members (elected at AGM on May 6, 2019)

CHAIR:  Andrea Beckett
VICE CHAIR:  Kim Pryschlak
TREASURER:  Arlene McKibbin
SECRETARY:  Milanka Pavlic
DIRECTOR:  Nicole Laferriere
DIRECTOR:  Amie Thibodeau
DIRECTOR/Media Support:  Christa Porter
You can contact us at anytime at exec@sd57dpac.ca. Like our page at https://www.facebook.com/sd57dpac/ and message us there.

Insurance Update

We know that PACs have received confusing and conflicting information about booking the school for meetings and events and have been asked to provide proof of insurance to the City. We thank you for your patience as DPAC advocates on your behalf regarding this matter. Here’s what we know:

In response to a requirement in the User Agreement with the City of Prince George, School District 57 has an “Application for Use of School Facilities” form and policies for licensees to book facilities, pay fees, and show sufficient insurance coverage. It will be rolled out to schools soon.

Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) and District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) are mandated to operate under the School Act and the District does not intend to cause financial hardship to our non-profit organizations. They are working to ensure we do not have to pay user fees or purchase insurance.
If you have previously incurred a cost for a meeting or event, forward the receipt to exec@sd57dpac.ca.

Further information on the booking process and exemptions will be provided at the September DPAC meeting as well as updates on other initiatives.
We hope to have representatives from all PACs attend.

DPAC Meeting Monday Sept. 9 at 6:30pm Van Bien Training Centre

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