We are in a new year and January has whizzed by. We’ve seen some incredible weather swings and increased concerns about bus transportation and cell phone use in classrooms. The high school students have started a new semester and graduation ceremonies will be upon us soon!
PAC Café
We had record attendance from 14 schools at PAC Café on Saturday January 20 at the Civic Centre. If you are interested in the highlights from that session, we can email you the notes.
Virtual PAC Café is Thursday February 1st from 6:30-8:30pm on MS Teams.
We welcome anyone who missed the in-person event as well as representatives from Valemount, McBride, Mackenzie, and Hixon to join us. Ask the DPAC Exec and other PAC members about hot topics at your school.
- Share ideas and challenges
- Network with other PAC volunteers in your area
- Get ideas from other volunteers doing your job
- Reimbursed lunch – Tim Horton’s GC
Register for FREE here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-pac-cafe-2024-tickets-809243066797
Meeting Minutes
Our Monthly DPAC Meeting on Monday January 8 had and attendance of 44 parents discussing important topics of Catchment & Capacity and Transportation. A plan has been adopted by the Board of Education and Kindergarten registration started today.
Follow this link to sd57.bc.ca for more information: Registration – Schools – School District No. 57 (Prince George) (scholantisschools.com)
We will watch capacity issues as they arise. Reach out to your PAC or DPAC regarding unique scenarios, challenges and any experiences you can share.
There are many bus cancellations causing scheduling challenges and safety concerns for families. Your local PAC can assist with advocating regarding service exceptions. A Bus Service Exception Tracker and Instructions have been emailed to each PAC. Ask your local executives to assist with record keeping. Email the tracker and details to transportation@sd57.bc.ca as often as possible. Connect with us at info@sd57dpac.ca for further escalation.
February Monthly DPAC Meeting
Our next Monthly DPAC Meeting is on Monday February 5tha @6:30pm where we will discuss Inclusive Education. Director Lisa Horsewell will outline the Inclusive Education Parent Handbook with ways to advocate for assessments, understanding Individual Education Plans (IEP) and how to prepare for a meeting with the school-based team regarding your child’s education and/or behaviour.
All of our partners will attend including representatives from the Office of the Superintendent, Board of Education, Principals and Vice Principals Association, Prince George District Teachers Association, and CUPE.
Strategic Plan Presentation
Looking ahead to our Monthly DPAC Meeting on Monday March 4th where we will have a presentation from Acting Superintendent Pam Spooner regarding the Strategic Plan.
All of our partners will attend including representatives from the Office of the Superintendent, Board of Education, Principals and Vice Principals Association, Prince George District Teachers Association, and CUPE.
Mental Health Resources and SD57
Winter can be really heavy for families for various reasons. We thought we would share resources in in SD57 and the community. These were outcomes from our meeting last January.
Open Parachute – available for students, caregivers, and teachers to offer ways to help and speak to kids when they are troubled. They are 10-minute lessons, age-specific topics and approaches, audio and video material. Free to login and setup an account, no special token required.
- School Counselors – see your school website for contact information
- Wellness Centre (Secondary) Wellness Centre – Prince George Secondary School (sd57.bc.ca)
- YMCA Alternative Suspension program News Item – School District No. 57 (sd57.bc.ca)
- Mental Health Topics and Resources Mental Health & Wellness Supports – Inclusive Education Section – School District No. 57 (Prince George) (scholantisschools.com)
- Family Smart https://familysmart.ca/
- Parent peer support to navigate tough times in raising kids.
- Seminars on a monthly topic with Q&A, online, offered at various times.
- Intersect https://www.intersect.bc.ca/
- Intake, triaged based on need and seriousness of the concerns.
- Family Mediation Program for free up to three months.
- Foundry https://foundrybc.ca/
- For youth ages 12-24, in person or virtual.
- Parent peer support groups.
- Government of BC https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/youth-and-family-services/help-for-youth-and-their-families
- BC211.ca (call or text 211)
- Housing, Food, Finance, Addictions, Counselling, Local Social Supports and opportunities.
Sponsorships from City of PG CUPE Unions
The two CUPE unions representing City of Prince George workers offered 2 sponsorships of $500 to school PACs within city boundaries. There were 8 schools who applied by the January 31 deadline. Some great ideas for use of those funds. We are excited to announce the winners and their proposals soon!
Contact us anytime at exec@sd57dpac.ca. Feel free to forward to your PAC members and parent networks. If you wish to unsubscribe, click the link below. Thanks!
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