Two Views on Teacher Job Action

From Janet Steffenhagen’s Vancouver Sun Report Card Blog:

Job action always tends to make people worry. I know many parents in Vancouver and across B.C. are concerned about what it will mean for them and their children.

“The good news is that initially it may not mean very much at all. Schools will stay open and at this point there will not be picket lines. In fact, some BCTF representatives say the “teachonly campaign” will enable teachers to focus more attention on students by freeing them from other administrative roles and from their daily interactions with school administrators and district managers.

“However, while teaching will continue, parents can anticipate less communication as some teachers may choose not to participate in “meet the teacher” evenings and choose not to prepare report cards. Other teachers may refuse to collect money for fees and fundraising. Fortunately, at this stage, it looks likely that many extracurricular activities will continue if teachers choose to participate in them.”

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