Tips for a Great School Year 2013 – 2014

Tips for a Great School Year       2013 – 2014
?Keep a Family Calendar ?
Be sure to get the school year calendar and post it in a visible spot. Note parent-teacher conference dates, report card distribution dates, and other school events. Record them into your personal calendar too. ??Focus on Friendship ?
When a child feels a sense of belonging and connectedness to his environment, he will learn and develop with greater ease and comfort. ??Look for Extra-Curricular Activities
However, parents beware: Do not overschedule your child (and yourself) to the point of stress and exhaustion. ??Spend Some Time at School ?
Most teachers and principals are delighted to have parents lend a hand in the classroom and around the school.It provides an additional sense of connectedness to strengthen their village of care and support. ??Create Two-Way Communication ?After checking to see whether your child has accurately completed her homework, take a moment to initial the agenda or school planner to let her teacher know you have reviewed the work. Write a comment or ask a question.
?Read the School Newsletter ?
This shows your interest in the school community and your willingness to be a part of that connection. Be sure to read the School Handbook. ??Develop Healthy Habits ?Good physical health, proper nutrition, and enough sleep are the most important elements for school success. ?
One More Thing ?Enjoy yourself, the years go by fast!   Trish Dolanski
?Things To Tell the Teacheras1384.gif
What can you tell a teacher that will help him do his job better?
Students do best when parents and teachers work together as partners. Not sure where to start?


?Health conditions: If your child is diabetic, uses an inhaler, is allergic to peanuts, or has a serious health condition, her teacher should know. It’s also helpful to let the teacher know whether your child has been diagnosed with conditions like ADHD, which may affect behavior and concentration.
?Family issues: Fill in the teacher if your family is going through a major change that could affect your child, such as a divorce, a death in the family, or a move.


?Personality traits or behavior issues: Maybe your son is painfully shy and is worried about making friends at a new school. ?


?Strengths and weaknesses: If you tell teachers these things up front, they will have more time to help your children improve in the areas they need it most. ?


?Learning style: If your child learns better through hands-on activities than through listening to explanations, mention that to his teacher. Also share any teaching strategies that you’ve found work well with your child. ?


?Study habits: Tell teachers about your children’s study habits and any issues they face in completing the work. Teachers often can offer suggestions to make homework time go more smoothly. ??
Special interests: Let the teacher know that your young son loves a particular comic book superhero and that your middle school daughter is a gifted painter. ?                         
Overcoming Anxiety130817_32650_1.png


Let your children know you care.
If your child is anxious about school, send personal notes in the lunch box or book bag.


Reinforce the ability to cope. Children absorb their parent’s anxiety, so model optimism and confidence for your child. Let your child know that it is natural to be a little nervous anytime you start something new but that your child will be just fine once he or she becomes familiar with classmates, the teacher, and school routine.


Do not overreact. If the first few days are a little rough, try not to over react. Young children in particular may experience separation anxiety or shyness initially but teachers are trained to help them adjust. If you drop them off, try not to linger. Reassure them that you love them, will think of them during the day, and will be back.


Remain calm and positive. Acknowledge anxiety over a bad experience the previous year. Children who had a difficult time academically or socially or were teased or bullied may be more fearful or reluctant to return to school. If you have not yet done so, share your child’s concern with the school and confirm that the problem has been addressed.


girl-african-dress-small-150x150.jpgReinforce your child’s ability to cope. Give your child a few strategies to manage a difficult situation on his or her own. But encourage your child to tell you or the teacher if the problem persists. Maintain open lines of communication with the school.


Arrange play dates. Try to arrange get-togethers with some of your child’s classmates before school starts and during the first weeks of schools to help your child re-establish positive social relationships with peers.


Plan to volunteer in the classroom. If possible, plan to volunteer in the classroom at least periodically throughout the year. Doing so helps your child understand that and that you care about the learning experience.
Going Back to School 130817_32650_1.png
You can read this with your children!


It’s school time again! You’re probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. Some kids feel nervous or a little scared on the first day of school because of all the new things: new teachers, new friends, and maybe even a new school. Luckily, these “new” worries only stick around for a little while.


The First Day
You might already know a lot of kids in your classes on the first day. But it’s a great day to make a new friend, so try to say hello to kids you know and new ones that you don’t. Make the first move and you’ll be glad you did and so will your new friend!


Feeling Good on Day One
Seeing friends you haven’t seen in a while can make the first day a good one.


Get Oriented
The first day of school is your first chance to find your way around a new school, or learn the pathways to new classes in your old school. It’s a lot to learn in one day, so don’t be surprised if you need a reminder or two.


A Bad Start?
What if you hate school by the end of day one? Teachers recommend giving things some time to sort themselves out once you know your way around the building and get adjusted to the new routine, you’ll probably feel better. If those feelings don’t fade, talk to your mom, dad, teacher, or school counselor.


Here are a few final tips for a fantastic school
Get enough sleep.     Ask the teacher for help.
Eat a healthy breakfast.                 
Try your best.
Use good work habits. Keep a sense of humour!


Community Resourcespga_pro_golf_tips_-_written_tips.png
On-call and Drop-in Health Services
Northern Health – Children and Families Team. Access to public health nurse via phone or drop-in for a wide range of topics concerning child and family health and wellness. Mon – Fri, 9am-12pm. 1444 Edmonton St. 250-565-7478.


School and Youth Team
Northern Interior Health Unit School age immunizations, Kindergarten, Grades 6 and 9. Provide school-age child health information. Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm. 1444 Edmonton St. Contact School and Youth Team at 250-565-7477


Rainbows Spectrum
A grief and loss program for children/teens aged 5-15 years old. The painful transition can be from death, divorce, separation, abandonment or neglect. The next session starts in September, but intakes for registration are on-going. The sessions will be held at the Forest Expo House, the white two story house next to Hospice at 1506 Ferry Ave. There is no charge for the program. Please phone Catherine at the Hospice Society 250-563-2551.


Prince George Mommies and Babies Facebook Group A group for moms and dads with infants and small children looking to meet up, hang out or chat with others for play dates, walks, moral support,…anything really! Designed to help parents make friends with other parents in town.
No cost. Everyone is always welcome! Various outing locations, dates and times. Contact Katie


Online Resources


A Provincial Resource for those suffering with mental illness or addiction For those of you with tweens and teens, this website may be of interest. is a youth and young adult-focused interactive website where visitors can check out how they’re feeling and get connected to support early and quickly. It is a good resource for family members.


Kids’ Guide to Separation and Divorce
Government of B.C. A website to help parents and professionals explain divorce and separation to kids. No cost. Contact
Linda Campbell, School Counsellor130817_32650_1.png                       

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