The BC Coalition of Parent Advisory Councils has a terrific resource for parents:
A step-by-step guide to resolution advocacy for parents, who want to become better advocates for their children. This guide gives information on:
- details how the school system works,
- outlines parent and students rights and responsibilities,
- provides strategies for advocating for children, and
- supports student self-advocacy.
The school district has “steps for problem solving” as part of Bylaw #4:
A recent presentation at the BCCPAC Northern Regional Conference by Beverly Zorn, a local consultant, contained some terrific information about navigating special needs in the school system. Some information included:
A Compass for Successful School System Survival Strategies:
- Learn the culture of the school
- Know when and who to contact and develop a relationship
- Learn the roles
- Find your advocate
- Plan transition
- Be visible
- Services
- Show positive approach
- Bureaucracy
- Individual Education Planning (IEP)
and Keep Your Cool – Be Successful:
- Keep your cool: Your credibility and reputation for being cooperative is very important. Stay calm and be patient.
- Don’t get into arguments or debates. The goal is to make a difference. There is more than one way to make your point. Don’t sweat the small stuff!
- Don’t rule out the impossible. Your child is capable of being very different when away from home.
- Don’t get personal. Don’t bring your personality to the meeting table.
- Keep your body language quiet. Don’t threaten. A professional attitude will work wonders. Look to your advocate.
- Don’t agree with things you’re not sure about and don’t rush your decisions. Take a break…
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