DPAC – School Enrolment and Capacity – public version – October 24, 2011
Covering email to trustees:
The District Parent Advisory Council is submitting a report on school district historic enrollments and projections, as attached. We have made several recommendations in this report, which we would like to pull out for you:
- We suggest that an ongoing education sustainability committee, with partner group/critical stake holder representation, be formed to monitor and assess enrollment changes, school capacity, and any significant events that could affect school district operations.
- We suggest that an annual report be created on the condition of our district’s student enrollment and capacity. This report would be delivered to the school board at a public board meeting, prior to kindergarten registration and the start of the district transfer process, and would also be in time to provide assistance when preparing the following year’s budget. The report would provide information on any caps on registration or transfers, and would also provide the board and the public with information on any issues with capacity.
Please note that the projections for individual schools are from a report given to a DPAC representative. DPAC had asked for these projections to be made public at a board meeting and was denied. Given the situation, projections have been left in the version of the report provided to DPAC executive, the board, and the school district, but pages 16 to 30 are removed from the version provided to any other party.
We would be pleased to provide more information upon your request, provide you with a printed version, or meet with you to discuss the report.
Sarah Holland
Interim Chairperson
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