Resolution 1: Carried as amended – The BCCPAC urge the BC Government to fully fund school playgrounds, including their ongoing replacement as required, and further, that these funds be provided either from direct access funding (gaming) or through an increased annual facilities grant.
Resolution 2: Carried as amended – The BCCPAC request additional targeted funding from the BC government to increase the number of intensive reading intervention programs, maintaining a minimum ratio of one highly trained teacher to seven students, to meet eligible students’ appropriate needs for this service in school districts.
Resolution 3: Carried – The BCCPAC lobby the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finances to change the current funding formula when calculating the anticipated enrolment of a new or replacement school. It is requested that this new formula would utilize leading indicators like pre-school and birth rates, as well as current K-12 population, to predict appropriate school size requirements in the planning and funding process.
Resolution 4: Refer to Committee – That BCCPAC urge the BC Government and Ministry of Education to reduce the per pupil funding allocated to private schools in BC, with the exception of funding to independent schools run by First Nations and Home Schoolers, and reallocate that funding to School Districts in the BC public education system.
Resolution 5: Carried – the BCCPAC urge the Provincial Government to mandate Health Authorities to support volunteers conducting lice checks in schools
Resolution 6: Carried – the BCCPAC support the need for more outside school opportunities for students.
Resolution 7: Carried – the BCCPAC work with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Advanced Education and Ministry of Finance to eliminate the PST on electronic devices essential for the New Education Plan, as outlined in the Ministry of Education’s 21st Century Learning Plan. Devices such as, but not limited to, laptops, Ipads, tablets, computers, notebooks, E-readers, scientifc and graphing calculators would be categorized as “school supplies” when being used for educational purposes for children aged 5 to 19 years of age. In addition to the PST exemption, we request that a tax credit or tax rebate be offered to offset the additional cost of technology.
Resolution 8: To refer to Student Safety Committee – The BCCPAC Membership reaffirm resolution 1996.2 which reads:1996.2 That school speed zones should have the same dawn to dusk 30 km/h designation as playground zones.
Resolution 9: Carried – The BCCPAC lobby the BC government on behalf of all parents and BC students to enact provincial legislation which puts a legal requirement on boards of education and local governments to develop district and school-based emergency preparedness plans in cooperation with provincial authorities. Such legislation should require that schools have personnel with training and equipment as well as funding for emergency supplies and kiosks at school sites. The cost of this program should be shared between the participating local governments and Boards of Education and the appropriate provincial authorities.
Resolution 10: Carried – BCCPAC revert policy #3045 Delegate Travel Subsidies to read BCCPAC will fund delegate transportation costs to BCCPAC conferences to a ratio of one delegate per 10 BCCPAC member PACs in a district, with a minimum of two delegates per district, instead of the current delegate minimum of one person.
Resolution 11: Carried – On/off switches for WiFi routers and protocol for the use of wireless devices. Vote needed to be counted to verify that it was a majority.
Four additional resolutions that were brought forward at the meeting were referred back to the resolutions committee, with the intent to bring them forward at next year’s AGM.
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