An item that may be of particular interest to parents, is any public input required after changes have been made to a draft policy. Regulation #9 states that if changes have been made to the policy, as the result of the review, further input may be sought by the board. There is no requirement to seek further input, even if the changes are major changes.
Please note that although school district policy documents appear to be board policies throughout the entire document, the only section under the control of the board, and that would go out for public input, would be the Regulations section. Administrative procedures are put with the policies for ease of use, but are the jurisdiction of the Superintendent, and can be changed without public input.
On May 28, 2013, the Board of Education approved draft revisions to Policy 8310 (Policy and Policy Development) for distribution to reference groups. Copies of the draft revised policy and the existing policy:
2013.05.29 Ref Groups re Draft Policy 8310
If you or your organization have any comments, concerns or suggestions about this policy, please forward them in writing to:
Wendy De Marsh, Executive Assistant
School District No. 57 (Prince George)
2100 Ferry Avenue
Prince George, BC V2L 4R5
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