Education Minister George Abbott released details about his plan for reforming B.C. education before a student audience Friday. Find full details here and follow developments on Twitter @bcedplan.
Abbott says the plan is intended to make a good education system great. The key features are personalized learning, quality teaching, flexibility and choice, high standards and learning empowered by technology. Families will have more say in where, how, when and what their children study, and schools will strive to identify and assist struggling learners sooner.
Under this plan, teacher performance would be evaluated regularly and efforts are underway to establish a five-year mentorship program for new teachers.
The details will not likely surprise education “insiders” but will be news for many parents and students.
Public input with Ministry of Education at
This section is where it’s your turn to tell us what you think. Engage with us and other British Columbians to build an education system for the future!
A series of questions will be posted here this Fall. Anyone can join the discussion, share your experience and suggest ideas and solutions.
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