PGDTA Press Release Dec 5, 2011
There will be a candlelight rally for our PGDTA members, families and supporters of a strong and stable public education system, on Tuesday December 6, at 6:30 PM at the School Board
Office at 2100 Ferry Avenue.
Tuesday December 6th is the inaugural meeting of the new School Board of Trustees at 7 PM. Prior to this meeting, The Prince George District Teachers’ Association plans to shine the spotlight on conditions in our schools. Our Public Schools need Trustees who will champion a strong and stable education system that meets the needs of every child. Teachers are looking forward to working with our newly elected School Trustees. We also want a collective agreement: that ensures teaching conditions that support all students, that is fair and reasonable and includes salary and benefits with prep time and that provides local solutions for local problems.
Please join us for a brief discussion about public education. We plan to shine the light on the conditions in our schools. We want what is best for students and teachers. Please join us!
Tina Cousins, First Vice-President PGDTA
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