PAC-911 Workshop Announcement

  • Is your School Parent Advisory Council confused by the new School District Accounting Requirements?
  • What is a Constitution & Bylaws and why is it important?
  • What are the BC Gaming Rules for funding?
  • How do we run effective meetings and how do we get more parents involved?
  • Should our PAC become a Society like our Prince George DPAC?
  • What are some ways to communicate with our parents?

If these are questions that you and your school PAC have been asking, be sure to attend this informative Workshop.

Saturday, December 4th
9:30 am to 4:00 pm at
Van Bien Training Centre
311 Wilson Crescent
Prince George, BC

Sponsored by District Parent Advisory Council No. 57 (Prince George)
Register online now!
Please register early, as seating is limited. Tickets $10 per person, catered lunch included.

Saturday, December 4th

9:30 am to 4:00 pm at
Van Bien Training Centre
311 Wilson Crescent
Prince George, BC

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