DPAC has been discussing online FoodSafe options that are more accessible to parent volunteers at our schools. These are often more economical too. We are prepared to reimburse a portion of the fee for SD 57 PAC members who procedure a valid certificate. Contact us at DPAC@sd57learn.com or attend our June 1 Meeting if you are interested in this option.
SD57 Policy:
Food sold or served in schools will be prepared and handled in a safe manner and will take into account the nutritional needs of children and youths.
This means:
If food is prepared at an event for others there must be a person with a FoodSafe Level 1 certificate supervising at all times. If pre‐made food is being provided this does not apply.
The BC Public Health Act: Food Premises Regulation, Part 3, Division 2 – Training, FOODSAFE Training 10 states that:
1. Every operator of a food service establishment must hold a certificate, issued by a health official, for the successful completion of the food handler training program known as FOODSAFE or its equivalent.
2. Every operator of a food service establishment must ensure that, while the operator is absent from the food service establishment, at least one employee present in the establishment holds the certificate referred to in subsection (1).
This means that it is not required by the BC regulation that you have a valid FOODSAFE Level 1 certificate in order to work as a server or in food preparation provided at least one employee or the employer/operator on shift has a valid FOODSAFE Level 1 certificate. As long as there is at least one person on each shift who holds valid FOODSAFE level 1 certification or an approved equivalency your work should not be affected.
However, many employers and organizations have their own internal policies and procedures and may require that all their employees or volunteers have a valid (not-expired) FOODSAFE Level 1 certificate, or an approved equivalency, as part of all their employee/volunteer requirements. If this is the case, then you should follow-up with your employer/organization to ensure that you meet its internal policy.
The FOODSAFE course is about preventing the transmission of foodborne illness and also about worker safety on the job. People who prepare, serve and clean up food should take the course for the safety of the customers and also for their own safety.
All FOODSAFE Level 1 certificates issued before July 29, 2013 expired on July 29, 2018.
All FOODSAFE Level 1 certificates issued since July 30, 2013 are valid for 5 years and the expiry date is indicated on your certificate.
If unsure whether you need to recertify, check the website here.
A FoodSafe course must provide a certificate result in the attendee being registered in the FOODSAFE registry upon successful completion.
Wallet Card
The online FoodSafe Level 1 for first time attendees or those with an expired FoodSafe certificate is $115 online and you have 20 days to complete it: https://openschool.bc.ca/foodsafe_level1/
Effective January 16, 2019 only individuals with a current FOODSAFE Level 1 certificate will be eligible to register for the online Refresher course. It is $55: https://www.openschool.bc.ca/foodsafe_refresher/
However these are just the Government of BC Open School links. A quick search online showed there are many other options including (but limited to):
- http://www.foodsafe.ca/index.html
- https://www.kccsoft.com/foodsafetybc/
- https://www.foodsafetytraining.ca/
- https://www.foodsafety.ca/
- https://www.safecheck1.com/
The costs for the above listed courses range from $25 to $150 dollars.
The online Food Handler Course must be accepted by the BC Centre for Disease Control as an equivalent to FoodSafe. Check the approved list here: