October Monthly DPAC Meeting

Come and join us Monday October 4th @6:30 either in person or virtually via Microsoft Teams (join on your computer or mobile app): Click here to join the meeting

If you are attending virtually and are new to using MS Teams, we suggest downloading the app and creating a free Microsoft account. Alternately you can click on the meeting link and attend the meeting via the your browser of choice as a guest either on a computer or mobile device. When you join the DPAC meeting MS Teams will ask for your name – please fill in your full name and school or organization you are representing.

As in the past, our DPAC meetings start at 6:30 for PACs and parents and our Partner Groups, Rights & Stakeholders will join us at 7:30 at the Van Bien Training Center. However, given that we are still in a pandemic and the availability of new technologies we are also moving to a hybrid meeting model this year so there will also be a MS Teams meeting link for anyone who prefers to attend virtually.

For those attending in person, the following communicable disease guidelines requirements must be adhered to:

  • Do a self-assessment Covid health check prior to attending: https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en  or SD57 Daily Health Check for Staff & Visitors
  • Do not attend if you sick or have symptoms or any kind (even if it just a cold or sniffles)
  • You must be wearing a mask when attending any indoor in person events, including DPAC and PAC meetings
  • Social distancing is on personal preference – it is no longer mandated
  • You must sanitize or wash your hands upon arrival
  • You must sign in and provide your contact information upon arrival, should PH and SD57 need to follow up for case and contact tracing purposes.

This year we are trying something new – we have decided to focus on certain themes for each month of the school year and have lined them up with other events and district work happening throughout the year. We have asked that each of our Partner Groups, Rights & Stakeholders present to our PACs & parents related to or focused on the monthly themed topic for 5 minutes and then we have planned for 5 minutes of Q&A for each partner group as well. 

OctoberSOGI; Inclusivity & Equality
NovemberSafety – Emotional, Psychological & Physical in our School  Communities
DecemberWhere’s Waldo? Where are things at? PACs to provide updates to Partner Groups, Rights & Stakeholders
JanuaryDistrict Innovation & Strategic Plan
FebruaryCatchment & Capacity in SD57
MarchFinancial & Budgets
AprilMental Health & Wellness
MayExtracurricular Activities
June Truth & Reconciliation

In addition to our monthly focused themes, DPAC has identified three key overarching priorities that we will be focusing our work on this 2021-2022 school year:

Community SafetySafety in and around our school community Emotionally & psychologically Physically – in the school, on the school grounds & around the school grounds Virtually
PAC & Parent Education & EmpowermentAdvocacy Education
Getting Excited About Education AgainCurriculum changes, core competencies, life skills Indigenous content integrated in curriculum How special education programs support learners. District Learner Support (DLS) Integrating physical activity and outdoor class times into learning

We look forward to seeing everyone again and continuing the work to improve education for the children and families in our district!

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