October Meeting Minutes

We had 16 parents attend the meeting on October 7. There is so much great information presented by DPAC Executives and Representatives from Senior Administration, School Board, Principals & Vice-Principals Association, Prince George District Teachers Association, and CUPE.

We had a presentation from Jason Peters, the new Communications and Public Relations Officer with the District. They have very recently launched a Facebook page School District No. 57. Be sure to “like” and follow. Check out stories from around the District on the new website sd57stories.com.

Plan to attend the DPAC Meeting on Monday November 4 at 6:30 at Van Bien Training Centre. Let us know you are coming by responding to this event. DPAC Representatives (or Alternates) from every school can attend to ask questions, give input, and vote on initiatives.

Finally, there are still a few spots left in the FoodSafe course on Nov. 17. Register here.

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