Minutes, November 2013 Meeting


7:00 p.m. Van Bien Training and Development Centre



DPAC Executive:               Sarah Holland (Chair), Gillian Burnett (Treasurer), Darlene Campbell (District Associate) , Steve Shannon (Technical Director), Michelle Yon (Director), and Inge Culhane (Secretary)

Partner Groups:                               Brian Pepper, Superintendent; Kate Cooke, Trustee; Tina Cousins, Richard Giroday, PGDTA; Faith                                      MacKay, PGPVPA; Graeme Mackenzie, Shelby Miller, DSAC; Karen Wong, CUPE; Marci Waller,                                   PEA;

School Reps:                      Darlene Campbell, Duchess Park; Inge Culhane, Edgewood; Sarah Holland, Heather Park; Michelle Yon, Hart Highlands; Patricia and Steven Loptson (on WebX), Heather Park; Steve and Kim Shannon, Kelly Road; Shauna Connor, Ecole Lac Des Bois; Lotte Andersen, Nukko Lake; Darlene Campbell, Nusdeh Yoh; Amy Hudson (on WebX), Pineview; Michelle Rolfes, PGSS; Ryan Clarke, Quinson; Jennifer Hicke, Southridge; Dennis Fudge, Spruceland;


Absentee School Reps:                 Beaverly; Blackburn; Buckhorn; College Heights Elementary & Secondary; DP Todd; Foothills; Giscome; Glenview; Harwin; Heritage; Highglen; Hixon; Mackenzie Secondary; Malaspina; McBride Centennial; McBride Secondary; Peden Hill; Pinewood; Ron Brent; Valemount Elementary; Valemount Secondary; Van Bien; Vanway; Westwood;


1.                  Call to order


2.                  Adoption of  Agenda and October 2013 Minutes-  Agenda – Move 8b) BCCPAC Conference to 6 aa) and add 8 d) Request for presentation  and 8 e) Lice. Minutes – “No” Silent Auction at Nukko Lake for PAC networking.

Adopted with changes by unanimous consent.


  1. PAC Networking – Introductions
  • Heather Park- Explorations prgm began (Crime Scene Science, Story Telling)
  • Hart Highlands- Asked Nukko Lake if the PAC Chair is having a meeting for the family of schools
  • Nusdeh Yoh-  Art project is passed – Totem pole wood will be used for art. Grant of approx $60,000.00
  • Nukko Lake- School bus safety, Christmas cookies (mixed groups of students to make the cookies)
  • Ecole Lac Des Bois – raffle a Christmas tree and everything underneath it. Lots of prizes (family related) $2.00 a ticket




4.           Partner Group Presentations

(a)    DSAC Report- (Graeme MacKenzie (KRSS) and Shelby Miller (DPSS)) – Not in attendance.

(b)   CUPE Report –  (Karen Wong) Good news. Framework agreement. Votes next Thursday for PG, and Friday for outer lying areas. Minute to minute counting of staffing. Stressful for staffing.

(c)    PGDTA Report – (Tina Cousins, Richard Giroday) Spoke to report. October was a busy month. Training with teachers and teachers on call (boundaries with teachers, students and parents and collective agreement). Class composition issues (class size not an issue in PG, however, increase in students needs in the classroom is an issue).  At bargaining table with the govt. Think positive. Discussion about boundaries with parents and social media. Discussion about ratio between decrease in class size and increase in special needs.

(d)   PGPVPA Report – (Faith MacKay) Spoke to report.  Posted on DPAC website. Reports Highglen Montessori, Ron Brent, Ecole College Heights, Kelly Road, Spruceland, PGSS, Malaspina, and Heather Park.

(e)   PEA Report – (Marcia Waller) –  Speech and Language Pathologists, Psychologists, Aboriginal Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Special Education Tech Consultants. Understaffed  right now in the district, with Psychologists and OT. Lots of activities in the schools, identifying students with learning difficulties. Nicole will be the liaison, but will send different workers from the various areas to attend the DPAC mtgs.

(f)     Superintendent Report – (Brian Pepper)- Spoke to his report. Policy 5119, LGBTQ update,  Halloween thanks to parents, Aboriginal Education Symposium, Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC, Strategic Planning Process.

(g)   Trustee Report – (Kate Cooke)- Spoke to her report. Management and Finance, Policy and Governance Committee. Discussion about Motions brought forward by School Trustees.


  1. Officer and Committee Reports

a)  Executive Board Report (Sarah Holland) – Spoke to her report. Attached in November agenda package.

b)  Treasurers Report (Gillian Burnett) –  Spoke to her report. Attached in November agenda package.

c)  BCCPAC Report- Darlene Campbell. Spoke to her report. On DPAC Website.


  1. PAC and Parent Assistance

aa)  BCCPAC Conference  November 15-17-expressions of interest. Email DPAC Chair or Exec if interested. Will                 send Chris Finke if he is able to attend and Dennis Fudge. Still one ticket available.

a)  Budget and Grants – 2013/2014 – Nus Deh Yoh would like to send their PAC treasurer to the BCCPAC Fall                 Conference in Kelowna $338 in funds will be provided from DPAC. All in favor.                                                                                                                                                        b)  Fall Conference  – October 19, 2013 – Discussion of Budget, meals, venues, keynote speaker unable to fly in –                 presented through WebX. Getting info about DPAC out to parents. Perhaps workshop in October for new PAC                 parents and another conference for all parents in Jan/Feb. Preference for Civic center.                                                                                                                                                                  c)  Food Safe workshop – Scheduled November 9, 2013 – Registration spots still available. Sarah will email the                 Principals of the schools to remind them that spots are still available                                                                                                                             d)  Survey to PACs- in November Agenda pkg. Please look over and provide comments to DPAC Chair, Sarah.


7.            Advising School District

a) Education Services report (Steve Shannon ) –  Posted on DPAC website.

b) EPPC Committee  Report (Darlene Campbell) –  Attached in November agenda pkg.

c) Policy and Governance report (Sarah Holland) – Sarah spoke to her report. Policy 5119 and 8310. Attached in                 November agenda pkg.

d) Expanded Committee of the Whole ( Gillian Burnett & Sarah Holland)- Spoke to report attached in November                 Agenda pkg. Please email suggestion/comments to DPAC Chair.

e)  Calender Committee- (Darlene  Campbell and Gillian Burnett) – Spoke to report attached in November                 agenda pkg.

f)  Suggestions for School Board Report (Sarah Holland) Please email Sarah with ideas.

8.            Other Business   

                a)  Email discussion of events and updates outside of meetings. Discussion.                                                                         b)  Feedback sought by school district on policy 5119. Media, scenarios, parents come to Board meetings to               speak about it, bring speakers to explain the effects on families (psychologists and social workers). Interest in             committee – Michelle Yon, Gillian Burnett, Darlene Campbell.                                                                                                               c) Request for presentations – Steve Fleck to present on the Exploration Program. Sarah will check with him    regarding more info about the presentation he would like to present  to DPAC parents.                                                                                                                                                                          d) Lice – table for next meeting

9.            Agenda items for next meeting…

Meeting adjourned at  9:53pm.

Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 2, 2013 at 7:00pm Van Bien training and Development Center.



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