DPAC Minutes 2015 June 1
7:00 pm Van Bien Training and Development Centre
DPAC Executive:
Sarah Holland (Chair), Rob Woods (Secretary), Gillian Burnett (Treasurer), Dennis Fudge, Darlene Campbell.
Partner Groups:
Karen Wong – CUPE 3742, Richard Giroday – PGDTA, Dan Watt (PGPVPA), Brian Pepper – Superintendent, Brenda Hooker – Trustee
School Reps: Chris Finke – DP Todd, Shauna Conner – Ecole Lac Des Bois, Mike Gagel – Southridge, Kim Shannon – Kelly Road, Michelle Rolfes – PGSS, Christine Kullman-Taylor – Edgewood, Candice Bate – Buckhorn, Charleen Henya – Nas de Yon, Adele Rouleau – Buckhorn
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of Agenda and Minutes
Agenda adopted as amended. Minutes adopted as presented.
3. PAC networking and discussion
a. The Montessori school is now called Polaris Montessori.
4. Reports
a. DSAC – not in attendance
b. CUPE (Karen Wong)
200 layoffs. 50% chose not to bump. Approximately 40 retiring. Currently awaiting postings.
c. PGDTA – Richard Giroday
i. From current president (Tina – by email). Thanks for opportunities to work with us. Looking forward to getting back to teaching.
ii. From Richard
1. Aproximately 28 retirements, 3 secondary teachers layed off.
2. Tough year, and off the normal rhythm.
d. PG Principal and Vice Principals Association (Dan Watt)
i. Video he planned for us is unavailable and will be posted on our site.
ii. Many elementary to high school transition activities happening this year.
e. Professional Employees Association – no attendee.
f. Superintendent Report – brain pepper.
i. See attached Report.
ii. 75 retiring
iii. Post-secondary opportunities coming. University transfer and trades.
iv. Speaker Yong Zhau on Aug 26 at vanier hall @ 7:00 pm.
v. Grad/Prom time. Hoping for safety and sensibility, and enjoyment, and fun and celebration.
vi. Q: Long range facility plan: Gut feeling of how much will become real recommendations? A: No simple answer. Many other possibilities that staff will look at. Work on structural deficit. Rarely do reports equal the final result.
vii. Q: Did consultants consult with staff. Yes, they did consult with many in the community. Consultants alsoused a report 5 years old as part of their information.
g. Trustee Report – Brenda Hooker.
i. Busy between budget, and strategic planning process. May 20+ meetings.
ii. Budget and Expanded Committee of the Whole process has been difficult. Using a surplus is not sustainable.
iii. Rural Education Committee – creating terms of reference. Hope to organize a rural forum for this fall.
iv. Minister’s forum on education June 15 – by invitation.
v. Looking at sustainability this fall to address the structural deficit.
vi. Look at accountability framework.
vii. Q: long range facility plan: Will there be parent input? A: Yes, it is just a plan, no decisions made yet. Will be broad consultation.
viii. Q. Rural Forum: Suggest Oct 23. Ministers will be here and DPAC conference on Oct 24th.
5. Elections – Director
a. Tabled until September – no one nominated.
6. Officer and Committee Reports
a. Executive board Report
i. Attached to agenda package
b. Treasurer’s report – see attached
c. BCCPAC Report(Dennis Fudge, Darlene Campbell)
i. Trying to involve more aboriginal parents.
ii. Money may be available for conference. Funding 4 conferences per year.
iii. Membership applications need to be in early Sept.
7. PAC and Parent Assistance
a. Grant Requests
i. No requests for this meeting.
b. Gary Anaka
i. Gary will be here Sept 24. He will be presenting on the Teenage brain. Tentatively located at Duchess Park. For students Grade 8-12
c. Fall Conference
i. Civic Centre is booked.
8. Advising School District
a. Long range facilities plan: Attached.
i. Additional Attachments
1. How they will be getting rid of surplus properties.
2. Conclusion and Recommendations
ii. Questions re Strong Start and numbers. i.e. 95% capacity, how does that work with a strong start needing a room.
iii. Gillian: Suggest we seek parent input now, and possibly a committee now.
iv. Possible Actions:
1. Committee
a. Gillian, Sarah, Dennis, Steve, Shawna, Darlene, Mike.
2. Try to get parent feedback asap.
3. A DPAC unified position should be documented. Do not take position on which schools to close.
4. Create a summary per school (1 page).
5. Gillian will set up a schedule for the committee.
Form a committee to agree upon SD57 DPAC position regarding long range facility plan.
b. Education services committee report.
i. None
c. Education programs and planning committee report
i. Attached
ii. Dual Credit with UNBC:
1. Q: where would the classes take place? A: At UNBC, some during the day.
d. Policy and governance
i. Whistleblower policy did not include parents.
e. Suggestions for school board report
i. Next school board meeting is June 23rd.
ii. Mention that we are striking committee to discuss Long range facilities plan
9. Other Business
To remove Chris Finke as a signing authority on the District Parent Advisory Council No. 57 Prince George bank account.
To add Dennis Fudge as a signing authority on the District Parent Advisory Council No. 57 Prince George bank account.
a. Gift to Rob Woods in appreciation for taking Secretary role.
b. Gift to Chris for years of service.
10. Agenda items for next meeting
a. none
11. Adjourned at 9:25 pm. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sep 14 at 7:00 PM, Van Bien.
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