Draft Minutes, October 3, 2011

DPAC October 2011 Meeting Minutes

DPAC MINUTES FOR October 3, 2011
7:00 p.m. Van Bien Training and Development Centre

DPAC Executive: Don Sabo, Chris Finke, Sarah Holland, Steve Shannon, Michelle Rolfes and Gillian Burnett
Partner Groups: Brian Pepper, Superintendent; Matt Pierce, PGDTA; Anne Smith, PGPVPA
School Reps: Aboriginal Choice School, Ecole College Heights Elementary, Hart Highlands, Heather Park, Kelly Road, Nukko Lake, Peden Hill, Pineview, Quinson, Spruceland, PGSS, Beaverly(eluminate)

1. Adoption of Agenda
Amendments –Addition of 7(a) Society’s Act Annual Report; Move item 6(a) under PAC Networking
Motion to accept agenda – College Heights
Seconded by – Aboriginal Choice

2. Adoption of September 12, 2011 Minutes
Motion to accept agenda – Aboriginal Choice
Seconded by – College Heights

3. PAC Networking
• Amendment to Request for District Sustainability Committee Letter to School Board.
-Discussion about minor revisions to accompanying letter.
-Action: Ask BCCPAC list-serve how other districts handle enrolment projections? Are they all considered confidential or not?

Motion by Heather Park
That DPAC submit a letter as revised and a report entitled School Enrolment and Capacity: History, Projections and Issues; subject to review and approval by members in attendance at the October 3, 2011 meeting by October 9, 2011.
Second by College Heights
Discussion about further revision and comments on purpose of including report.


4. Reports
(a) DPAC Chair Report – see attached
i. Discussion and clarification regarding the Premier’s announcement regarding $8 million of funding for playgrounds. Three tier program: first any elementary school without a playground and middle schools without a playground, but wanting one, second any playgrounds requiring upgrades or additions, and third reimbursement for playgrounds installed in last year. Never got to tier three, District 57 did not receive any of these funds.
(b) Treasurer’s Report – see attached
i. Chris has completed and submitted Gaming Summary Reports dating back to 2006. Thank you Chris for all the work on this.
ii. Received permission to reallocate Gaming funds into General account for those items that were paid from General but were eligible for use of Gaming funds.
iii. Action: Ask BCCPAC list-serve for information regarding other DPAC Gaming Audits.
(c) Superintendent’s Report – see attached
i. Question regarding the process for allocating surplus sporting equipment from closed schools. Brian made note to include in next month’s Superintendent’s report.
ii. Raise a Reader fundraiser held last week, raised $12,000 for various literacy programs, just waiting to hear if amount will be matched by government.
iii. Superintendent’s Blog will be interactive in the future.
iv. Fragrance allergy incident at DP Todd discussed. If further incident will be considered harassment and be dealt with as bullying in accordance with District Policy.
(d) Trustee Report – Lois Boone
i. Not in attendance
(e) PGDTA Report – Matt Pearce/Tina Cousins
i. Update on BCTF negotiations with BCPSEA.
ii. Only day 20 of job action, but day 1694 of teachers working under an illegal contract.
iii. Commented that teachers have been given direction that it is crucial that parents are contacted by teachers regarding student’s progress. Expressed hope that our district would not cancel early dismissal days as has been done in other districts.
iv. Noted that the cancellation of recess has been challenging for many of their members.
v. Discussion about Throne Speech and the announcement that a change in the way technology is used in education. PGDTA members are reserving comment until they have a better understanding of this because the last technology introduction was BCeSIS and ultimately was not great for teachers or education.
vi. Questioned regarding pre-planned sports trips. Other districts have implemented no travel outside the province during job action, but there has been no discussion about this in our district as yet.
(f) PGVPA Report – Anne Smith
i. Nothing to report
(g) CUPE Report – Lorraine Prouse
i. Sent an e-mail because she was unable to attend. Currently in Vancouver for negotiations, but commented that there has been little movement at the bargaining table.
(h) DSAC Report – No agenda items were suggested for the next meeting.
9. Adjournment – Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 7, 2010 at 7:00 pm Van Bien Training and Development Centre.

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