The Prince George DPAC has received the following email from the Prince George District Teachers Association, and is passing the message along:
We wanted to keep our Partner Groups and Supporters….in the loop about the upcoming Teacher Event. We would really appreciate it if you could let your members know. We would love for them to join us! We are all in this struggle together and are hoping for your support.
Thank you
My original message:
There will be a “GIANT” burma shave occurring province wide on Wednesday June 20. All 60 BCTF locals around the province are encouraging their members to come out and show their solidarity before the end of the school year.
In Prince George, we ask that all of our PGDTA members and supporters come out to a giant Burma Shave from 4:30PM -5:30PM between 5th and Central to 10th Ave. We plan to line up along both sides of the bypass. We are hoping for a turn out of 100’s of people!!! Please be sure to stay off the pavement, we want everyone to be safe. Line up along the grass.
Location: 5th and Central to 10th Ave. Lining up along the bypass.
Time: 4:30PM – 5:30PM
**Park at Spruceland Mall. We will hand out any signs we have there. There is also parking along frontage roads in that area.
**Please bring any signs you have or make your own!
We plan to walk to Pat Bell’s office 103-770 Central Street at 5:30PM and have a brief gathering.
We hope you will encourage your staff members, family members, retired teachers and supporters to attend!
In Solidarity
Tina Cousins
PS. In case you don’t know what a Burma Shave is??????
From Wikipedia!
Burma-Shave was introduced in 1925 by the Burma-Vita company, owned by Clinton Odell. The company’s original product was a liniment made of ingredients described as coming “from the Malay Peninsula and Burma.”[1] Demand was sparse, and the company sought to expand sales by introducing a product with wider appeal.
The result was the Burma-Shave advertising sign program, and sales took off. At its peak, Burma-Shave was the second-highest selling brushless shaving cream in the United States. Sales declined in the 1950s, and in 1963 the company was sold to Philip Morris. The signs were removed at that time. The brand decreased in visibility and eventually became the property of the American Safety Razor Company.
In 1997, the American Safety Razor Company reintroduced the Burma-Shave brand with a nostalgic shaving soap and brush kit, though the original Burma-Shave was a brushless shaving cream, and Burma-Shave’s own roadside signs frequently ridiculed “Grandpa’s old-fashioned shaving brush.”
The word “burmashaving” is used in Canada to describe politicians holding signs and waving to traffic by the side of the road, a common sight during election campaigns.[6][7] One of the first to use the phrase was Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative premier John Buchanan, who would stand at the end of a long line of party signs and wave to morning traffic.[8][9]
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