Message from PGDTA

Posted as received from PGDTA.

All Together Rally Tuesday

Good Evening.

There will be a “All Together for Public Education Rally” on Tuesday June 24 at 6PM at the Prince George School Board Office- 2100 Ferry Ave

We are calling on the Union Leaders in our Community to come and take a stand with the Teachers for Public Education.

We would like to see the Brothers and Sisters in BC Federation of Labour stand up with us against this BC Liberal Government.

We are hoping to see Parents and the Community rally with us.
Public Education is under attack and the Teachers need your help.

We are hopeful for a big turn out at the School Board Office on Tuesday June 24th at 6PM, prior to the Board Meeting.

Thank you for passing this message along to your networks.

With much appreciation and solidarity.

Tina Cousins

PGDTA President

Prince George District Teacher’s Association

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