Another month is behind us and our May DPAC Meeting is rapidly approaching. Please plan to join us on Monday May 4 at 6:30pm on ZOOM.
Topic: DPAC Monthly Meeting
Time: May 4, 2020 06:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 883 4842 9010
Password: 013876
When signing in for the meeting, please enter your name in the following format: First Name Last Name – School you are representing
We imagine many are familiar with this format now, but we recommend that you find a quiet place to listen and participate, mute yourself or turn your video feed off if needed, and use the chat function to communicate with the Chair or any other members regarding meeting topics.
As always our Partner Group representatives will be there giving us valuable update on COVID-19, KRSS decision, Policies, and Budget.
“See” you there!
Your DPAC Executive Team