Update: Unfortunately, there were not enough registrants to run late immersion in 2011/12. The school plans to try again for 2012/13.
Grade 5 letter for Late Immersion – PDF
To: Parents of all Grade 5 Students:
Re: Registration for Late French Immersion for September 2011
Lac des Bois is hoping to start a successful Late French Immersion program, (beginning in Grade 6). If there is sufficient enrolment the program will begin in September 2011. It is the district’s intention that this letter along with the pamphlet will help to answer some questions that you may have about the program and provide you with information about registering for this grade six program.
Do the students and parents need to understand French to follow the material?
NO. When they enter the class, students are assumed to have little or no French. In September the curriculum is adapted so that vocabulary acquisition is the emphasis. By October, students understand basic instructions and are starting a reading program. By December, students can understand all basic instructions, use many French words or expressions when speaking, read small books and write sentences. By February, students speak 100% in French in the classroom, and are learning the grade 6 curriculum at full speed.
How much French will they acquire in a year?
Most students will be able to converse in French reasonably well by the end of grade six. The students’ written skills will need further development in grade seven. By the end of grade seven they should read and write in French at their grade level while maintaining their English skills.
Did you know?
Tests have revealed an interesting phenomenon. By the time they graduate from high school, students who started Late Immersion in grade six are as fluent in French as students who start in Kindergarten. The reason is a bit of a mystery. The hypothesis is that, because Late French Immersion is a choice that students and parents make together, rather than the decision made for them by their parents, Late French Immersion students are highly motivated. It may be that Late French Immersion offers the best of both worlds—a thorough grounding in English, followed by the fluent acquisition of French.
For more Information
Want to know more about the Late French Immersion program check out the Lac des Bois website at (www.ldb.sd57.bc.ca) or call Madeleine Crandell at 250-562-1164
Registration deadline is March 18, 2011. You can register by doing the on-line transfer (www.sd57.bc.ca) or in person at Lac des Bois.
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