District Parent Advisory Council
Superintendent’s Speaking Notes
1. Thank You
We are very appreciative of your donation of time and expertise throughout the year! Your partnership is greatly appreciated.
2. Budget 2010 -2011
Budget Issues 2010 Presentation
See attached slides of the Superintendent’s report to the Board concerning Budget for the upcoming year. The budget has been given first and second reading. The budget will come to the Board at the June 22nd public meeting in McBride.
3. Provincial Issues:
a. Bill 20 – related to video surveillance in schools. SPC approval will be required for new installations. There will be an annual effectiveness review of any new installations.
b. Early Learning – this provincial initiative will continue to move forward. Expect more information during the 2010-2011 school year.
c. The ministry has established a pilot project related to business services in school districts. The project is designed to explore cost efficiencies related to shared service for multiple districts. Three lower mainland districts and one interior district are involved in the pilot.
4. District Update:
a. Infrastructure reductions of $2.2 million have been put into place for the 2010-2011 school year. Thirty-one full time equivalent positions have been eliminated including district principals, principals and vice principals, exempt staff, trades staff, clerical, teacher assistants and professional staff. The district organizational structure and job descriptions of remaining staff have been adjusted as a result of these changes.
b. School Closure and Allocations Reductions in School Organization have resulted in cost reductions of $4 million. Forty-nine full time equivalent positions have been eliminated. This represents reductions in assignments for principals and vice principals, classroom teachers, learning assistant teachers, teacher-librarians, counselors, teacher assistants, supervision assistants, clerical staff and custodians.
c. Human Rights Tribunal Mediation for the Aboriginal Choice School staffing exemptions has taken place. We are expecting a resolution decision before the end of June. The staffing exemption will allow the school district to hire qualified Aboriginal staff at the choice school.
d. The Aboriginal Choice School implementation process is proceeding rapidly. School teaching staff will be hired over the next 3 weeks.
e. Summer work priorities have been established for school reconfigurations. They are, in priority order, Ecole Lakewood, Heather Park Elementary School and the John McInnis Centre.
5. Five-Year Capital Plan Summary – Public Board Meeting Item
The Ministry of Education requires school districts to prepare capital plans annually. The plan reflects a strategy for remediation of an aged building and addresses current deficiencies in a secondary school. The projects are:
i. replacing Giscome Elementary
ii. increase capacity DPTodd Secondary
iii. mechanical upgrades to Carney Hill, Mackenzie Secondary, College Heights Elementary, Glenview Elementary and Ecole Lakewood.
There was a question regarding the “year one, year two, year three” listing. The year listing is important when a project is approved – as examples – if a mechanical upgrade for Glenview Elementary (dollars listed under “year two”) was approved by the Ministry in 2010-2011 then the dollars would be forwarded to the district in the second year of the Five-Year capital plan. If Giscome School rebuild was approved by the Ministry in 2010-2011 (dollars listed under “year three”) then the dollars would b e forwarded to the district in the third year of the Five-Year capital plan.
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