7:00 p.m. Van Bien Training and Development Centre
DPAC Executive: Don Sabo (Chair), Gillian Burnett (Recorder), Steve Shannon, Sarah Holland, Darlene Campbell
Partner Groups: Brian Pepper, Superintendent; Kate Cooke, Trustee; Matt Pearce and Tina Cousins, PGDTA; Lorraine Prouse, CUPE
School Reps: Darlene Campbell, Aboriginal Choice; Colleen Smith, Beaverly; Jaqueline Dockray, Ecole College Heights; Chris Finke, DP Todd; Darlene Campbell, Duchess Park; Steve Shannon, Hart Highlands; Sarah Holland, Heather Park; Steve Shannon, Kelly Road; Shauna Connor, Ecole Lac des Bois; Gillian Burnett, Nukko Lake; Michelle Rolfes, PGSS and Pineview; Don Sabo, Pinewood; Ryan Clarke, Quinson; Dennis Fudge, Spruceland
1. Adoption of Agenda
Motion to accept agenda – Lac des Bois
Seconded by – College Heights
2. Adoption of May 7, 2012 Minutes
Motion to accept minutes – Aboriginal Choice
Seconded by – Quinson
3. PAC Networking
First order of business. Chair calls for nominees for Director-at-Large. Jacqueline Dockray accepts and is elected by acclamation. Chair calls for nominees for Secretary, hearing none this position remains vacant.
PACs are busy with yearend plans, graduations, Sport’s Day and elections (for some).
Presentation was made to Michelle Rolfes and Chris Finke for all the work they have done on behalf of DPAC as past executive officers.
- 4. Reports
(a) DPAC Chair Report – see attached.
(b) Treasurer’s Report – see attached. Chris Finke prepared this for us because the materials have not yet transferred to Gillian Burnett.
(c) Superintendent Report – Expressed thanks to DPAC and all PACs for all we do to support education in the district. Cindy Heitman and Lisa Carson gave a presentation on the Proposals to Utilize Appropriated Surplus to Improve Student Learning and Increase Teacher Capacity (report attached). The Board is looking for feedback from all interested individuals or parties. Superintendent Pepper expressed interest in discussing Strategic Planning with Partners and Stakeholders.
(d) Trustee Report – see attached.
(e) PGDTA Report – June is often a hard time to get students to focus on learning. Labour Relations news: LRB hearings over next 2 weeks. Protest action against Bill 22 has been deemed an illegal strike. Mediation is on-going, but BCTF seeking Dr. Jago’s removal.
(f) PGPVPA Report –Not in attendance.
(g) CUPE Report – Provided information concerning this year`s bumping, only 18 bumps this year. Still have members on leave. Members were hopeful that new positions would be available as a result of the Education Improvement Fund, but no new positions, rather increased time for existing positions. May 24th submitted intent to return to the Provincial and Local bargaining tables. Looking for a common front from all public employer unions.
(h) DSAC Report – Not in attendance
5. Committee Reports
(a) EPPC Committee Report – DPAC did not have a representative present at the last meeting.
(b) Education Services Committee Report –see attached.
(c) Policy/Governance Committee Report – DPAC has not been invited to a meeting. Sarah Holland has written a letter regarding Bylaw 1 for review by the membership.
MOTION – by Heather Park
That DPAC send a letter requesting that partner groups be members of standing committees.
Discussion concerning the difference between being invited to attend and having privileges of
membership. Seat at the table not enough, we need a voice too.
6. Announcements/New Business
(a) Discussion on DPAC Budget Recommendatins and Motions to Accept Report – Recorder reviewed past minutes and the report is already accepted, but the recommendations have not been addressed. First recommendation:
MOTION – by Pineview
That DPAC hold a PAC parent workshop in tOctober/November 2012.
Discussion regarding the timing and the need for a budget.
AMENDMENT – College Heights
That DPAC hold a PAC parent workshop in the 2012/2013 school year with a budget of $2500.
Discussion regarding the establishment of a committee to organize the PAC parent workshop. Called for volunteers.
Gillian Burnett, Dennis Fudge, Darlene Campbell and Sarah Holland will sit on this committee.
Second recommendation: That DPAC create two $500 bursaries. Lots of discussion, but no decision. This recommendation will be tabled until our September meeting and members are to gather more information.
Gillian Burnett and Don Sabo have been added as members of this committee and the committee is to revisit the funding grants for PACs.
(b) Motion to change signing authority, remove Chric Finke add Steve Shannon & Gillian Burnett
MOTION – by College Heights
To remove Chris Finke as signing authority on the DPAC bank accounts.
MOTION – by College Heights
To add Stephen Shannon and Gillian Burnett as signing authority on the DPAC bank accounts.
(c) June 16th Food Safe- 8 seats filled, 12 seats still available. Course will be 8 hours long and the $17 covers the cost of the booklet and the certificate.
(d) BCCPAC Conference Report – see attached
(e) Report on Curriculum Assessment – see attached. Noted that although SD57 teachers did not partake, there were teachers from other districts in attendance.
7. Agenda items for next meeting
Nothing at this time.
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