DPAC and the SD57 have been working to resolve the issues around insurance requirements for PAC events. As of our recent October meeting with the District, please note the following:
1. PACs are not to cancel any events due to concerns around insurance and liability – if your PAC has concerns or questions please contact the DPAC, your school Administration or SD57 directly.
2. PACs – Please use this form called Application for the Use of School Facilities – PAC Event; Complete the form to the best of your ability and then review it with your school Principal or Vice-Principal. They will ensure that it is filled out correctly and then submit it to SD57. The “Licensee” on the form is either the person booking the event or a member of the PAC Executive – it is simply a formal reference to the person or party organizing the event.
3. Event info is general information about the event being planned.
4. Activity Leader is the person in charge of organizing the event
5. Other form updates that have been requested include:
- The “business phone” will be changed to “cell/other”
- “Days of the Week” and “Frequency” fields will be removed
- “Start Date” and “End Date” will be removed and replaced by “Event date and times”
- Clarification about the term “Licensee”
- Who can sign on behalf the Licensee – either a member of the PAC executive, or the event organizer (needs to be attending the event)
- “First Aid” may not be a relevant policy on the checklist – under review – leave blank for now
- “Official Position with the Organization” will be changed to “Event Applicant”
6. Once the form is filled out and completed, the event organizer or PAC delegate will submit to their school administration for review and to have them sign and submit the form to the SD57 office.
7. The District will soon have an online Criminal Record Check system. Regardless, all PAC volunteers must have an up-do-date criminal record check on file. Please submit a list of volunteers for the event you are booking, along with the booking form, to your school administration. They will then confirm with the District that those volunteers do, or do not, have criminal record checks on file.
8. Child-minding during PAC meetings: It is suggested that children remain in view and under the care of their parent during meetings and other events. Further discussion is still happening at the school district level; in the meantime SD57 and DPAC asks PACs to refer to this link from the Ministry of BC as reference as this is what SD57 is using to review the issues.
Don’t hesitate to contact us at exec@sd57dpac.ca with any questions or concerns. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue.
Your DPAC Executive Team