General Meeting and AGM Monday, May 7th

Our elections and general meeting is being held Monday, May 7th, at the Van Bien Training Centre.

As a number of representatives are currently attending the BCCPAC AGM, a full agenda package will be available on Monday.

We have a number of terrific people prepared to run for office for the DPAC executive (there is going to be quite a bit of turnover this year). There are also several representatives who have let us know that they are unable to make Monday’s meeting, and are getting concerned about our ability to meet our quorum requirements to hold our elections.

If your PAC can send a representative, we would very much appreciate it.

We will be working to provide the ability to web conference in, but this can sometimes depend on the district’s wifi and is not successful.

Google Hangouts link:

Agenda – DPAC General Meeting
Monday, May 7th, 2018, 7:00 p.m., Van Bien Training Centre
1. Call to order
2. Adoption of agenda and Adoption of Minutes
3. PAC Networking and discussion (To increase the effectiveness of this section of the agenda, we suggest that people report on ideas that may be of interest to other PACs, or concerns that other PACs could help with.)

7:30pm – Partner groups enter
4. Partner Group Presentations (five minutes each – questions may be taken, once all reports are complete, about general topics, detailed and specific questions are best kept to the break)
a) District Student Advisory Council ( )
b) CUPE Report (Karen Wong)
c) Prince George District Teachers Association Report (Joanne Hapke)
d) Prince George Principal and Vice Principals Association Report (Kelly Johansen)
e) Senior Administration Report () –
f) Trustee Report (Sharel Warrington)

(5 – 10 minute snack break, opportunity for further partner group discussions)
5. Elections
a) Chair
b) Vice Chair
c) Treasurer
d) Secretary
e) Directors
6. Officer and Committee Reports
a) Executive Board Report (Gillian Burnett)
b) Treasurer’s Report (Sarah Holland)
c) BCCPAC Report (Gillian Burnett, Andrea Beckett, Kim Pryschlak, Trudy Klassen, Sarah Holland)
7. PAC and Parent Assistance
a) Guest Speaker/Seminar/Conference
b) Foodsafe report
c) PASC Cafe
8. Advising School District
a) Education Services Committee Report (Steve Shannon)
b) Education Programs and Planning Committee Report (Gillian Burnett)
c) Policy and Governance (Trudy)
d) Extended Committee of the Whole –
e) Suggestions for School Board Report –
9. Other Business
10. Agenda items for next meeting
11. Adjournment – Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 4th, 2018, at 7:00 pm, Van Bien.

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